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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Premio “Le Tecnovisionarie®” 2014"

Award "The Technovisionaries®" 2014

19 November 2014
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Premio “Le Tecnovisionarie®” 2014"

Sara Doris, serving disadvantaged children, with the Mediolanum Onlus Foundation. Marisa Porrini, the "mother of Italian nutrition science," who connects nutrition to health to reduce widespread degenerative diseases. They are two of the 11 winners of the International Prize "The Technovisionaries" awarded each year to women who have demonstrated vision in their professional activities, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics. The prize values women who have a realistic vision of the world we live in, envision a consequent future, and have carried out activities consistent with their vision. A different way of conceiving the relationship between women and technologies, addressing it not as a gender issue, but as a tool to identify and enhance female talent, with a particular focus on the themes of Expo 2015. ®

The award, now in its 7th edition, is presented annually in the fields of research, innovation, business, public administration, and social sector.

This year, the initiative received a medal that the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano wanted to designate as his official award.

The award ceremony, hosted by journalist Laura La Posta took place during the evening of November 19, 2014, in the setting of the Affreschi Hall at Palazzo Isimbardi in the presence of the President of the Province of Milan, Guido Podestà , and the Councilor for Equal Opportunities, Cristina Stancari .

At the Tecnovisionarie 2014, a canvas from the ANITA collection was donated specifically created for the award by Carlotta Todeschini. This collection is dedicated to women who have been able to combine "heart and invention" achieving prestigious goals in service of others.

Women's Health

This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their passion and professionalism to the complex relationship between Nutrition and Health.

Marisa Porrini, Professor of Applied Nutrition at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Milan, Director of the Department of Food, Nutrition, and Environment Sciences.

For the important contribution to research on the role of diet in promoting health and reducing risk factors for chronic-degenerative diseases. For his foresight that led to the establishment of an interfaculty master's degree (Agriculture and Medicine) dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the relationship between nutrition and health, which today is attended by numerous students from all over Italy. For the profound ethical sense that has animated all his work dedicated to recognizing the importance of the implications of "knowledge" and "awareness" on issues related to nutrition for the advancement of society and for the future of our planet.

Award presentation to Claudia Sorlini, former Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Milan and President of the Scientific Committee for EXPO 2015 of the Municipality of Milan.

Women Sustainability ex aequo

This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their work to the theme of Sustainability (environmental, social, cultural).

Bibiana Ferrari , CEO, Relight Italia, a cutting-edge company in the collection, recovery, and treatment of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) [environmental sustainability]

For her extraordinary career as CEO of a green economy company in Italy leading a woman-led company in the area of disposal and recovery of electrical and electronic waste. Throughout her work experience - for which she was also awarded the honor of Officer of the Republic - she has been involved in research and innovation, imagining and creating new services to meet unresolved needs. In her career, she has distinguished herself for her spirit of innovation in a very important sector for the sustainability of production processes with an impact on the environment. Thanks to her skills, spirit, and positive approach, she has been able to enhance the capabilities of female entrepreneurship.

They deliver the award Guido Podestà, President of the Province of Milan, and Cristina Stancari, Councillor with responsibilities for Sport and leisure time - Youth policies - Equal opportunities - Environment - Quarries - Reclamation - Natural resources and hydraulics - Energy, Province of Milan.

Annalisa Sara Doris , Executive President of Fondazione Mediolanum Onlus [social sustainability]

For her constant commitment to social utility projects, particularly aimed at disadvantaged children, through the activities of the Mediolanum Onlus Foundation of which she is President. Award for social sustainability implemented with dedication, continuity, and with the smile of a mother of 5 children. Through her work in the Foundation, she strives to educate towards freedom, so that today's children can be the free adults of tomorrow, making it possible for thousands of children, in Italy and around the world, to achieve autonomy from distress: for a life as a free and respectful adult of the universal values of the individual and always in the safeguarding of local cultural and religious traditions.

Award delivery Don Andrea Swiecinski , Priest, founder of the "Gloriosa Trinità" Movement

Donne Innovazione

Aimed at women involved in innovation

Adriana Santanocito and Enrica Arena, founders of Orange Fiber

For their innovative idea of producing vitamin-rich, skin-toning clothing using citrus waste. Their activity, which adds value to waste materials, can be an example and inspiration for many. Their success stems not only from their deep technical knowledge and innovation capabilities, but also from their sensitivity to social issues related to food waste and their attention to the territory. Orange fiber is an innovative entrepreneurial project and represents a new opportunity for the Italian tradition in the textile and fashion sector.

Award delivery to Federica Ortalli, board member of the Milan Chamber of Commerce.

WomenMedia ex aequo

Designed for women engaged in the task of making complex issues related to food and nutrition accessible and "within everyone's reach" to protect consumers.

Simona Roveda, Co-founder and Editorial Director and Institutional Communication of LifeGate; co-founder of Fattoria Scaldasole, a food company that promoted the organic market in Italy.

For the skill and intuition in communicating the environment always in a positive and proactive way. For the attention and passion dedicated daily to the dissemination of sensitive issues with attention to detail and enhancing emotions, keeping hope alive, and above all fostering trust in the changes in people's hearts. Through her work as Editorial Director of LifeGate, she has managed to promote and communicate through the media, all her knowledge and skills resulting from years of experience in the organic and sustainable development world, making history in Italy of sustainability accessible to all, shaping millions of consciences on the values of respect for the environment and people.

Award delivery Patrizia Rutigliano , Director of Institutional Relations and Communication - Snam, President of FERPI

Paola Chessa Pietroboni , creator and director of the CiBi-Arte e Scienza del Cibo magazine

For the commitment to creating a free press CIBI-Art and Science of Food and the website for the dissemination of topics on food and the agri-food sector in a scientific and informative manner. The magazine is the first in Italy to deal with the entire agri-food chain from production to consumption, relying on the collaboration of experts and industry professionals in order to create culture and awareness on agri-food and nutrition issues, achieving a constant public success, and the sponsorship of the Municipality of Milan, Expo Society and the official assignment of being one of the communication bodies of the Scientific Committee of Expo 2015.

Award presentation to Francesca Cavallin, actress.


Aimed at women who have promoted business models aimed at enhancing their own territory.

Vittoria Squitieri , Co-founder and CEO of Urban Safari Srl

For its brand idea, for being able to combine business and culture, history and modernity by creating Urban Safari, a project that enhances the territory, art, culture, and the meeting of people, transforming a traditional "product" - like guided tours - into an authentic travel and knowledge experience. A real innovation in the field of cultural operators that enhances Milan and other cities, away from the common places of mass tourism, showing instead its unusual aspects, its hidden but therefore truer sides: traditions, knowledge, sustainability.

Award presentation by Francesca Zajczyk, Delegate of the Mayor for Equal Opportunities of the Municipality of Milan.

WomenCEO ex aequo

Intended for women who have reached top positions in important companies, thanks to their entrepreneurial and managerial skills.

Elena David , CEO of UNA Hotels & Resorts and President of AICEO - Italian CEO Association.

For her vision of corporate project, for the mental predisposition to innovation in ideas, technologies, approaches, and image. For proposing a system of companies aimed at enhancing the territory and for repeatedly promoting business models aimed at enhancing the quality of Italian hospitality. For her ideas that have always been ahead of their time and for her consistency in implementing them with the utmost transparency. With tenacity and determination, she leads one of the most dynamic and successful hotel groups in the Italian landscape, demonstrating to be a woman who can naturally combine professional competence in her role as CEO, enthusiastic leadership, versatile culture, and human empathy.

Award delivery Cinzia Sasso , journalist and writer, La Repubblica

Gabriella Iacono , Sole Director of Milano Ristorazione S.p.A.

For her commitment to the world of collective catering, particularly towards vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly, promoting the use of innovative production techniques associated with the creation of a sustainable meal production system, without losing sight of nutritional quality and acceptability by the end user. Gabriella Iacono has managed to deeply innovate Milan Ristorazione, a company owned by the Municipality of Milan, both in terms of organization and food service, demonstrating a rare ability to combine professionalism and results, with a strong sensitivity to environmental and health issues, as well as making a significant contribution to the very current topic of food recovery.

Award presentation Fiorenzo Galli , General Director, National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci"


Intended for young female researchers in the field of food and nutrition.

Francesca Danesi , Researcher, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna

For her outstanding attitude to innovation in the research she carries out with a distinctly feminine approach and spirit. For the dedication, commitment, and desire for improvement that she puts into her work and relationships with colleagues, and for being a guide for young minds entering the field of research. Despite her young age and precarious employment status, she dedicates herself to research with passion and sacrifice in order to contribute to and increase scientific knowledge in the field of food and nutrition, in the hope of improving the lifestyle and health of people. We present this award also for choosing to conduct research in Italy despite everything.

Award delivery to Patrizia Riso, DeFENS (Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences), University of Milan and member of the Board of Directors of the Women and Technologies Association.

Special European Prize

Intended for European personalities for their contribution to the theme "Nutrition & Health"

Sandra Caldeira , DG JRC Institute for Health & Consumer Protection, European Commission

For his commitment and enthusiasm that involves and motivates his colleagues in promoting and protecting the health of European consumers, through the implementation of projects that integrate legislative, scientific, and social aspects. For his research and support activities for the development of current and future European policies aimed at promoting public health related to nutrition.

Award presentation Bruno Marasà , Director of the Information Office in Milan of the European Parliament.

The Jury of the VII edition of the "Le Tecnovisionarie" Award ® It is composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the various competition categories, the world of entrepreneurship, culture, and communication: Diana Bracco (President and CEO of the Bracco Group, President and General Commissioner of the Italian Pavilion - EXPO 2015), Deborah Chiodoni (Director of External Relations and Press, Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Milan), Laura La Posta (Editor-in-Chief of "Il Sole 24 Ore", responsible for the Rapporti insert), Gianna Martinengo (President of the Women and Technologies Association and Deputy Vice President of the Fiera Milano Foundation), Patrizia Rutigliano (President of Ferpi and Director of Institutional Relations and Communication at Snam) and Federica Villa (Head of the Presidency and Institutional Relations at the Chamber of Commerce of Milan).

For the 2014 edition of the award, 342 nominations were collected on the website


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

20:30 - 20:40
WomenHealth Award 2014
Guests/Speakers: Marisa Porrini

Women Health

This Award is aimed at women who have dedicated their passion
and professionalism to the complex relationship between Nutrition and Health.

, Professor of Applied Nutrition at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Milan, Director of the Department of Food Sciences, Nutrition, Environment Marisa Porrini

For the significant contribution to research on the role of diet in promoting health and reducing risk factors for chronic-degenerative diseases. For his foresight that led to the establishment of an interdisciplinary master's degree program (Agriculture and Medicine) dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the relationship between nutrition and health, which today is attended by numerous students from all over Italy. For the deep ethical sense that has inspired all his work dedicated to recognizing the importance of the impact of "knowledge" and "awareness" on issues related to nutrition for the advancement of society and the future of our planet.

Award presentation to Claudia Sorlini, former Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Milan and President of the Scientific Committee for EXPO 2015 of the Municipality of Milan.

20:40 - 20:50
WomenSustainability Award 2014
Guests/Speakers: Annalisa Sara Doris

Women Sustainability ex aequo

This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their work
to the theme of Sustainability (environmental, social, cultural).

, CEO, Relight Italy, a cutting-edge company in the collection, recovery, and treatment of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). [environmental sustainability] Bibiana Ferrari

For her extraordinary career as CEO of a green economy company in Italy, leading a woman-led company in the area of disposal and recovery of electrical and electronic waste. Throughout her work experience - for which she was also awarded the honor of Officer of the Republic - she has been involved in research and innovation, imagining and implementing new services to meet unresolved needs. In her career, she has distinguished herself for her spirit of innovation in a very important sector for the sustainability of production processes with an impact on the environment. Thanks to her skills, spirit, and positive approach, she has been able to enhance the capabilities of female entrepreneurship.

They deliver the award Guido Podestà, President of the Province of Milan, and Cristina Stancari, Councillor with responsibilities for Sport and leisure time - Youth policies - Equal opportunities - Environment - Quarries - Reclamation - Natural resources and hydraulics - Energy, Province of Milan.

, Executive President of Fondazione Mediolanum Onlus [social sustainability] Annalisa Sara Doris

For his constant commitment to projects of social utility, particularly aimed at disadvantaged children, through the activities of the Mediolanum Onlus Foundation of which he is President. Award for social sustainability implemented with commitment, continuity, and with the smile of a mother of 5 children. Through her work in the Foundation, she strives to educate towards freedom, so that today's children can be the free adults of tomorrow, making it possible for thousands of children, in Italy and around the world, to achieve autonomy from distress: for a life as a free and respectful adult of the universal values of the individual and always safeguarding local cultural and religious traditions.

Award presentation to Father Andrea Swiecinski , Priest, founder of the "Glorious Trinity" Movement

20:50 - 21:00
WomenInnovation Award 2014

Women Innovation

Designed for women engaged in innovation

Adriana Santanocito and Enrica Arena , founders of Orange Fiber

For their innovative idea of ​​producing vitamin clothing, toning for the skin, using citrus waste. Their activity, which adds value to waste materials, could be an example and inspiration for many. Their success stems not only from their deep technical knowledge and their innovative capacity, but also from their sensitivity to social issues related to food waste and their attention to the territory. Orange fiber is an innovative entrepreneurial project and represents a new opportunity for the Italian tradition in the textile and fashion sector.

Award delivery to Federica Ortalli, member of the board of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan.

21:00 - 21:10
WomenMedia Award 2014

WomenMedia ex aequo

Aimed at women who are committed to making complex issues related to food and nutrition accessible and "within everyone's reach" to protect consumers.

Co-founder and Editorial Director and Institutional Communication of LifeGate; co-founder of Fattoria Scaldasole, a food company that has promoted the organic market in Italy. Simona Roveda

For the skill and intuition in always communicating the environment in a positive and proactive way. For the attention and passion dedicated daily to the dissemination of sensitive topics with attention to detail and enhancing emotions, keeping hope alive, and above all fostering trust in the changes in people's hearts. Through her role as Editorial Director of LifeGate, she has been able to promote and communicate through the media all her knowledge and expertise gained from years of experience in the organic and sustainable development world, making history in Italy of sustainability accessible to all, shaping millions of consciences on the values of respect for the environment and people.

Award delivery to Patrizia Rutigliano, Director of Institutional Relations and Communication - Snam, President of FERPI.

, creator and director of the magazine CiBi-Art and Food Science Paola Chessa Pietroboni

For the commitment to create a free press publication CIBI-Art and Science of Food and the website for the dissemination of topics on food and the agri-food sector in a scientific and informative manner. The magazine is the first in Italy to deal with the entire agri-food chain from production to consumption, relying on the collaboration of experts and professionals in the field in order to create culture and awareness on agri-food and nutrition issues, achieving a constant success with the public, and obtaining the sponsorship of the Municipality of Milan, Expo Society, and the official assignment of being one of the communication bodies of the Scientific Committee of Expo 2015.

21:10 - 21:20
WomenTerritory Award 2014
Guests/Speakers: Vittoria Squitieri


Intended for women who have promoted business models aimed at enhancing their own territory.

, Co-founder and CEO of Urban Safari Srl Vittoria Squitieri

For its brand idea, for being able to combine business and culture, history and contemporaneity creating Urban Safari, a project that enhances the territory, art, culture and the meeting between people transforming a traditional "product" - like guided tours - into an authentic travel and knowledge experience. A real novelty in the field of cultural operators that enhances Milan and other cities, away from the common places of mass tourism, showing instead its unusual aspects, its hidden sides but precisely because of this more true: traditions, knowledge, sustainability.

Delivering the award to Francesca Zajczyk, Delegate of the Mayor for Equal Opportunities of the Municipality of Milan.

21:20 - 21:30
WomenCEO Award 2014
Guests/Speakers: Gabriella Iacono Elena David

WomenCEO ex aequo

Intended for women who have reached top positions in important companies, thanks to their entrepreneurial and managerial skills.

, CEO UNA Hotels & Resorts and President of AICEO - Italian CEO Association Elena David

For her visionary approach to corporate projects, for her mental predisposition to innovation in ideas, technologies, approaches, and image. For proposing a system of companies aimed at enhancing the territory and for repeatedly promoting business models aimed at enhancing the quality of Italian hospitality. For her ideas that have always been ahead of their time and for her consistency in implementing them with maximum transparency. With tenacity and determination, she leads one of the most dynamic and successful hotel groups in the Italian landscape, demonstrating to be a woman who can naturally combine professional competence in her role as CEO, enthusiastic leadership, diverse culture, and human empathy.

Award presentation Cinzia Sasso , journalist and writer, La Repubblica

, Sole Director of Milano Ristorazione S.p.A. Gabriella Iacono

For her commitment to the world of collective catering, particularly towards vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly, promoting the use of innovative production techniques associated with the development of an eco-sustainable meal production system, without losing sight of nutritional quality and acceptability by the end user. Gabriella Iacono has managed to deeply innovate Milano Ristorazione, a company owned by the Municipality of Milan, both in terms of organization and catering service, demonstrating a rare ability to combine professionalism and results, with a strong sensitivity to environmental and health issues, as well as making a significant contribution to the very current topic of food recovery.

Award presentation to Fiorenzo Galli, Director General, National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci"

21:30 - 21:40
WomenFuture Award 2014
Guests/Speakers: Francesca Danesi


Intended for young female researchers in the field
of food and nutrition.

, Researcher, Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies, University of Bologna Francesca Danesi

For her outstanding ability to innovate in the research she carries out with a distinctly feminine approach and spirit. For the dedication, commitment, and desire for improvement that she puts into her work and in her relationships with colleagues, and for being a guide for young minds entering the field of research. Despite her young age and precarious employment status, she dedicates herself to research with passion and sacrifice in order to contribute to and expand scientific knowledge in the fields of food and nutrition, with the hope of improving the lifestyle and health of individuals. We award this prize also for her choice to conduct research in Italy despite everything.

Award delivery to Patrizia Riso, DeFENS (Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences), University of Milan and member of the Board of Directors of the Women and Technologies Association.

21:40 - 21:50
Special Europe Prize 2014
Guests/Speakers: Sandra Caldeira

Special Europe Award

Intended for European personalities for their contribution to the theme "Nutrition & Health"

, DG JRC Institute for Health & Consumer Protection, European Commission Sandra Caldeira

For his commitment and enthusiasm that involves and motivates his colleagues in promoting and protecting the health of European consumers, through the implementation of projects that integrate legislative, scientific, and social aspects. For his research and support activities for the development of current and future European policies aimed at promoting public health related to food.

Award presentation to Bruno Marasà, Director of the European Parliament Information Office in Milan.

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