Sandra Caldeira

Sandra Caldeira

Project Manager at the European Commission (DG Joint Research Centre)


Sandra Caldeira is Project Manager at the European Commission (DG Joint Research Centre) where she works with an enthusiastic team on Nutrition and Public Health. Their research portfolio is focused on policy support to public health and covers present and future nutrition-related issues and their impact to the health of the European citizens, from childhood obesity to active and healthy ageing. Sandra holds degrees in Microbiology and in Biotechnology as well as a PhD in Biomedical Sciences.

She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lisbon (PT) and at Cambridge University (UK) and Stanford University (US). Prior to joining the European Commission (in 2010) she held positions as an invited professor of Genetics at the University of Lisbon and as a Scientific Editor at the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) in Heidelberg (DE).

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