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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Passione digitale: sogni, esperienze, risultati"

Digital passion: dreams, experiences, results

27 April 2023
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Passione digitale: sogni, esperienze, risultati"

Women&Tech® ETS meeting for the International Girls in ICT Day - Digital Skills for Life

April 27, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Hybrid Event
OPEN - Viale Monte Nero 6, Milan
and online on Women&Tech® ETS channels

Passion is the dimension that unites generations and reconciles their aspirations, in an era where young people claim "I want a job that makes me happy" while adults/companies want reliable and competent professionals to contribute to the success of the business in the long term.

"I want a job that makes me happy" is, in fact, what emerges from the analysis conducted on young talents that all large companies aspire to recruit. It means a job that is no longer synonymous with career, power, money achieved through hard work and total dedication, but becomes an experience that allows for a balance between personal and professional life, offering remote work, the ability to change over time, and taking place in an ethical company with space for corporate volunteering.

Digital is the future for all generations: it must be known, interpreted, and integrated into one's education.

Digital, if made accessible to everyone, is the factor that allows our society to be inclusive and sustainable.

The Women&Tech® ETS meeting on April 27 refers to the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) event and its key themes, leaving behind outdated concepts of protest and presenting concrete experiences and data to convey optimism and courage.

The speakers

Valentina Altamura
Network Engineering Professional - Fastweb
Visit the speaker's page
Valentina Cazzaniga
People Initiatives Partner EMEA, SAP
Visit the speaker's page
Francesca Contardi
Senior Vice President Nelson Frank and Washington Frank - USA, Philadelphia Location leader
Visit the speaker's page
Donatella Isaia
Group Chief People and Culture Officer - TeamSystem Group
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Laura La Posta
Head of the weekly economic and social analysis magazine Rapporti24 by Il Sole 24 Ore
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Gianna Martinengo
Founder & CEO of Didael KTS - President of Women & Tech® ETS - Board ITTD Municipality of Milan
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Elena Moretti
Country Business Unit Head Building Products of Siemens S.p.A.
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Sara Ornati
Director Country HR, Kyndryl Italy
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Layla Pavone
Coordinator of the Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation Board of the Municipality of Milan
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Maria Pia Abbracchio
Full Professor of Pharmacology and Vice Rector University of Milan
Visit the speaker's page
Aida Proietti
Senior Vice President of Client Services – Italy, Frank Recruitment Group
Visit the speaker's page


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Encourage girls and young women to pursue STEM education

Online only , on the Women&Tech® ETS channels, testimonies from girls, students, and young professionals in STEM fields, the Women&Tech® Young Ambassadors, who share their experiences and aspirations.

5:30 PM
Inspira ragazze e giovani donne a lavorare nelle carriere ICT

Start of live event from Open and live streaming.


  • Laura La Posta, journalist for Il Sole 24 Ore

Introduction and greetings
  • Layla Pavone, Coordinator of the Innovation Technology and Digital Transformation Board of the City of Milan
  • Gianna Martinengo, ICT Entrepreneur, President and Founder of Women&Tech® ETS

STEM Gender Gap: observatory on the situation in Italy
  • Maria Pia Abbracchio , Vice Rector with delegation for Research and Innovation and Full Professor of Pharmacology, University of Milan "La Statale", Vice President of Unimi Foundation

"Women in ICT": presentation of research on current data at a global level
  • Aida Proietti, Senior Vice President of Client Services – Italy, Frank Recruitment Group
  • Francesca Contardi, Senior Vice President Nelson Frank and Washington Frank- USA, Philadelphia Location leader

The point of view of companies in the ICT field


  • Valentina Altamura, Network Engineering Professional - Fastweb
  • Valentina Cazzaniga, People Initiatives Partner - EMEA Region - SAP
  • Donatella Isaia, Group Chief People & Culture Officer - TeamSystem S.p.A.
  • Elena Moretti, Country Business Unit Head Building Products - Siemens
  • Sara Ornati, Director Country HR – Kyndryl Italia

Discussion and questions from the audience

Conclusions and event closure
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