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Fuori dal tunnel. Cosa è cambiato nelle aziende: lavoro, relazioni, reputazione

Out of the tunnel. What has changed in companies: work, relationships, reputation

17 June 2020
Fuori dal tunnel. Cosa è cambiato nelle aziende: lavoro, relazioni, reputazione

According to the Whitelibra research, "75% of people who have worked remotely would like to continue doing so in the future."

Have we really entered the "Smart working post-Covid 19" era? Is this what awaits Italian companies? Desks at home, new interior design, less mobility, remote staff coordination? Only with these "logistical" and regulatory premises the answer is absolutely no.

Agile work is something else and certainly not solely the result of an adjustment to social restrictions that will hopefully fall tomorrow (hopefully within a year) thanks to the Coronavirus vaccine. Agile work is and will be, in our opinion, also in future scenarios, change, new ways of relating, new approaches to intra and extra-organizational organization. And it will be based on trust, a sense of responsibility, and a different vision, focused on well-being of individuals and on circular economy.

We are all eagerly reasoning to understand how to conduct and manage this new mode that, in fact, will not simply be a "mode".

The analysis we will conduct will take into account some elements:

  • The e-work will never be an end in itself, but always linked to e-learning, understood as support for the new approaches that will be required (who does what, how, with what priorities, what tools, etc.).
  • The concept of change management will be the natural consequence: there will no longer be fixed systems with people who, in person or virtually, carry out repetitive patterns over time. Flexibility, adaptability, and constant learning will be the basis on which to build the new corporate identities.
  • Technology: increasingly commodity and enabling factor in every type of work, must also quickly transform into a strategic tool to improve the quality of life of the company's employees, as well as its reputation.
  • The role of professional women: will they really be called to use smart working massively? And will they always and only use it to best reconcile work, family, and self-care? Probably yes, but not as a convenient solution. Thanks to their wealth of experience and skills, agile work can become a strong element of professional growth. And e-learning a great ally.
  • How has the reputation of companies changed in these months? Is it still linked to the products or services provided or are new drivers emerging, such as governance? And what do these indicators tell us about companies and their transformation? Perhaps it is time to think about a new leadership for new needs, also in relation to new ways of working.

We believe there is truly a lot to work on... to prepare a truly intelligent agile work, not just in words.

We want to do it together, on the occasion of the streaming event on June 17th.

The speakers

Chiara Bisconti
Human Resources Consultant and President of Milanosport.
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Gianna Martinengo
Founder & CEO of Didael KTS - President of Women & Tech® ETS - Board ITTD Municipality of Milan
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Silvia Migliavacca
Portfolio Project Manager and Organizational Development @ Banca Mediolanum
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Emilia Rio
Director of Human Resources, HSE, Organization and Change Management, A2A
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Michele Tesoro
Executive Vice President at “The RepTrak Company” with responsibility for the EMEA region
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Emiliano Veronesi
General Manager, Econocom Group Italy
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