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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Metaverso: tutti ne parlano, ma cosa è veramente e come funziona?"

Metaverse: everyone is talking about it, but what is it really and how does it work?

15 March 2023
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Metaverso: tutti ne parlano, ma cosa è veramente e come funziona?"
The metaverse is now on everyone's lips, and there is no media that does not daily report a headline with this term. However, few have truly understood what it is and how it could impact our lives. Let's try to shed some light by analyzing the opportunities and risks.

The speakers

Maria Enrica Angelone
CEO of Wallife
Visit the speaker's page
Sara Noggler
CEO of Polyhedra
Visit the speaker's page
Eleonora Senini
Head of Sales - Coderblock
Visit the speaker's page
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