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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Mansplaining and workplace incivility, mechanisms to female focused bullying?"

Mansplaining and workplace incivility, mechanisms to female-focused bullying?

02 April 2024
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Mansplaining and workplace incivility, mechanisms to female focused bullying?"

Women&Tech ® ETS announces collaboration with the University of Trento for a new study on "Mansplaining" in the workplace

Women&Tech ® ETS is pleased to announce a new collaboration with the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Trento to conduct an innovative study entitled "Mansplaining and workplace incivility, mechanisms to female focused bullying?" . This research aims to explore the effects of "gender competency questioning" on women and the potential escalation process of mistreatment in the workplace. The project, which has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Trento, started on January 25, 2024, and offers a unique opportunity to contribute to fundamental research investigating the effects of mansplaining on women and the work environment in general. Conducted by a team of young researchers at the University of Trento, the study aims to deepen how this type of communication influences women, their careers, and behavior in the workplace, a daily phenomenon but still little explored in academic research. To participate in the scientific research entitled "Mansplaining and incivility, mechanisms to female focused bullying?" conducted by professors at the University of Trento, simply respond to the questionnaire at this link:
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