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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Premio Internazionale Le Tecnovisionarie® 2022"

International Award The Tecnovisionarie® 2022

09 June 2022
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Premio Internazionale Le Tecnovisionarie® 2022"

International Award "Technovisionaries" ® "2022"

"FinTech, female excellence"

XVI edition
June 9, 2022 - 5:30 pm / 8:30 pm
Gaber Auditorium, Pirelli Palace, Milan

Promoted by Women&Tech - Women and Technology Association, the International Technovisionaries Award. ® It is attributed to women who, in their professional activity, have demonstrated possessing vision, privileging social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics. The award, carried out by a Jury composed of qualified representatives from the thematic areas of the different competition categories, from the world of culture and communication, will take place on June 9, 2022.

The event, now in its sixteenth edition, focuses this year on " FINTECH, THE EXCELLENCE OF WOMEN "A theme that represents a true change of paradigm in the economic-financial world, and that is based on two key words of great impact: inclusion and innovation."

But what is meant by "FinTech"? The term refers to Financial Technology, that is, the set of high-tech financing, payment, investment, and consulting services. In addition to digitizing traditional financial channels, "technology in the service of finance" deeply transforms and modernizes our society. FinTech means creating and managing electronic currencies, using artificial intelligence for data analysis, and stimulating the emergence of new business models. A neologism that has led to the creation of over 1500 innovative startups worldwide, and that realizes, in the union between finance and technology, a strong opening to women, breaking the boundaries of a world always characterized by male presence.

In this sense, the road ahead is still very long: just think that there are 72 countries that still prohibit women from opening bank accounts or obtaining credit. By aiming for disintermediation and technological evolution, the mission of FinTech is to take great strides forward, to make finance accessible to all. It is precisely in this revolutionary and inclusive vision that the quality of female talent is coming forward strongly: as evidenced by a recent Deloitte study, in the last ten years, FinTech startups founded by women have grown at a significantly higher rate than those founded by men.

Thanks to the entrepreneurial skills of the FinTech pioneers, we can explore with greater awareness the vast potential offered by this new world. Women who manage investment funds using AI systems, who lead important payment platforms, who harness the power of data, who support the real economy. The professionals who will be awarded this year, our next Techvisionaries, will perform different jobs, but will certainly be united by common values: determination, sensitivity, a full view of the international market in which they operate. Women who, every day, overcome cultural limits and knowledge separation, aiming for progress that is truly accessible to all.

Revelations of talent, wit, genius, intelligence, creativity,
flair, imagination, intuition, inspiration, inventiveness, positivity.

It is women who invent the future.


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