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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Premio Internazionale “Le Tecnovisionarie®” 2012"

International Award "The Technovisionaries®" 2012

06 November 2012
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Premio Internazionale “Le Tecnovisionarie®” 2012"

Tuesday, November 6th was also the day of the assignment of the International Award "The Technovisionaries®" 2012. An award given every year to women who have demonstrated vision in their professional activities, focusing on social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics. They are "The Technovisionaries" in the fields of research, innovation, and business.
The award ceremony took place at the end of the conference and was conducted by Rita Querzè, a journalist from Corriere della Sera.
The Jury included qualified representatives from the world of Institutions, Business, and Media: Diana Bracco (Vice President Research and Innovation Confindustria), Monica Guarischi (Delegate for Policies on time and Consumer Protection, Lombardy Region), Alessandra Perrazzelli (Head International Regulatory and Antitrust Affairs Intesa Sanpaolo and CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Eurodesk), Federica Villa (Manager Presidency and Institutional Relations Chamber of Commerce of Milan), Deborah Chiodoni (Director of External Relations and Press, Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Milan), Elizabeth Robinson (President of the NicOx Research Institute S.r.l.), Sara Gandolfi (Journalist, Corriere della Sera), Gianna Martinengo (Founder and Chairperson of Women&Technologies®).
The awardees:

  • Laura Rossi (Researcher at INRAN - National Institute for Research on Food and Nutrition) for the category WomenHealth , the award is aimed at women who have dedicated their passion and professionalism to the complex relationship between Nutrition and Health.
  • Imene Ouzari-Cherif (Ecole Supérieure des Industries Alimentaires, University of Tunis) for the category Women Sustainability, the award is aimed at women who have dedicated their work to the complex relationship between Food and Sustainability.
  • Enrica Monticelli (Global open innovation leader R&D, Whirlpool EMEA) tied with Sonia Massari (Director, Gustolab Institute - University of Siena) for the WomenInnovation category, award dedicated to women committed to innovation in the field of food and nutrition.
  • Elisabetta Bernardi (Director and scientific consultant, RAI) for the category WomenMedia, an award dedicated to women committed to making complex issues related to food and nutrition accessible and "within reach of everyone" to protect consumers.
  • Pina Amarelli (President, Amarelli Liquorice) for the category WomenTerritory , award dedicated to women who have promoted business models aimed at enhancing their own territory.
  • Graziella Gavezotti (President of Edenred Italy and Chief Operating Officer Southern Europe of Edenred SA) for the category WomenCEO , an award dedicated to women who have reached top positions in important companies, thanks to their entrepreneurial and managerial skills.
  • Claudia Picozzi and Ileana Vigentini (Researchers, DeFENS - Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, University of Milan) for the category WomenFuture , a prize awarded to young female researchers in the field of food and nutrition. For this category, she receives a special mention from the Women and Technologies association Alessandra Marti (Research Fellow, DeFENS - Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, University of Milan)


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

17:30 - 17:40
WomenHealth Award 2012
Guests/Speakers: Laura Rossi

WomenHealth Award

This Award is aimed at women who have dedicated their passion
and professionalism to the complex relationship between Nutrition and Health.

Laura Rossi , Researcher, INRAN, National Institute for Food Research and Nutrition.
Motivation: For her humanitarian commitment to the analysis and surveillance of malnutrition and the development and implementation of protocols for its treatment in countries characterized by severe food shortages and the devastating effects on public health.
Award presented by: Sergio Dompè , President of Dompé Pharmaceuticals and Past President of the Strategic Committee of Women&Technologies®

17:40 - 17:50
WomenSustainability Award 2012
Guests/Speakers: Hadda-Imene Ouzari-Cherif

WomenSustainability Award

This award is aimed at women who have dedicated their
activities to the complex relationship between Food and Sustainability.

Imene Ouzari-Cherif , Higher School of Food Industries, University of Tunis.
Motivation: For her commitment to research (in the female sphere), with a focus on the aspect of agri-food sustainability, in a country undergoing profound political and social transformation.
Award presented by: Monica Guarischi , Delegate for Time Policies and Consumer Protection, Lombardy Region

17:50 - 18:00
WomenInnovation Award 2012
Guests/Speakers: Sonia Massari Enrica Monticelli

WomenInnovation Award

Intended for women engaged in innovation in the field of food and nutrition.

Enrica Monticelli, Global open innovation leader R&D, Whirlpool EMEA.
Motivation: For having reached a top position in an innovative multinational company and for the demonstrated openness to cutting-edge themes such as open innovation.
Award presented by: Alessandra Perrazzelli, CEO Intesa Sanpaolo Eurodesk

Ex aequo

Sonia Massari, Director, Gustolab Institute - University of Siena.
Motivation: For being one of the first people to introduce the academic study of food into the Italian university system and for developing strong collaborations between the private and academic sectors. She was able to extend her project internationally as well.
Award presented by: Federica Ortalli, Board Member, Chamber of Commerce of Milan.

18:00 - 18:10
WomenMedia Award 2012
Guests/Speakers: Elisabetta Bernardi

WomenMedia Award

Intended for women engaged in the task of making complex issues related to food and nutrition accessible and "within everyone's reach" to protect consumers.

Elisabetta Bernardi, Director and scientific consultant, RAI.
Motivation: For her commitment to raising awareness on the topics of nutrition and science, thus disseminating the results of the most recent studies. For contributing to projects of food education aimed at children using the language of new technologies.
Award presented by: Barbara Stefanelli, Deputy Director of Corriere della Sera

18:10 - 18:20
WomenTerritory Award 2012
Guests/Speakers: Pina Amarelli

WomenTerritory Award

Intended for women who have promoted business models aimed at enhancing their own territory

Pina Amarelli , President, Amarelli Liquirizie.
Reason: As an administrator of the Amarelli Liquorice Factory, she has been able to give new life to one of the oldest family businesses in Europe, a member of the Henokiens, a privilege reserved for very few Italian companies. A family that can trace its ancestors back to the Templars and, thanks to her, celebrates its history through a private museum, a rare example in Italy of a museum that generates income. A family and a business with a brand that expresses the best of Calabria and demonstrates that even today in Italy, and in the South, business can be conducted firmly rooted in the territory and traditions, with an eye towards the future.
Award presented by: Donatella Romeo , Vice Secretary General of Unioncamere Calabria

18:20 - 18:30
WomenCEO Award 2012
Guests/Speakers: Graziella Gavezotti

WomenCEO Award

Aimed at women who have reached top positions in important companies, thanks to their entrepreneurial and managerial skills.

Graziella Gavezotti , President of Edenred Italy and Chief Operating Officer Southern Europe of Edenred SA.
Reason: For the creativity demonstrated throughout her career by proposing innovative initiatives such as Ticket Restaurant® and the "Mediterranean Break" program to promote healthy eating habits during lunch break, while also promoting the themes of equal opportunities and work-life balance within and outside her own company with her commitment.
Award presented by: Maria Grazia Filippini , CEO Edenred Italy

18:30 - 18:40
WomenFuture Award 2012

WomenFuture Award

Intended for young female researchers in the field of food and nutrition.

Claudia Picozzi and Ileana Vigentini , Researchers, DeFENS - Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, University of Milan.
Reason: For two researchers who have been able to combine their knowledge and achieve results in the field of microbiology with possible positive implications for the health of children in developing countries.
Award presented by: Fiorenzo Galli , General Director of the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci".

18:40 - 18:50
Special Mention Women and Technologies Association 2012
Guests/Speakers: Alessandra Marti

Special mention Women and Technologies Association

Alessandra Marti , Research Fellow, DeFENS - Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences, University of Milan.
Reason: For her balance in experimental research activities in the field of cereals and derived products, combining technical-scientific skills, work attitude, and admirable relational qualities.
Award presented by: Claudia Buccellati , Entrepreneur, Association of Women and Technologies

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