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HEALTHY AGEING: “il futuro della longevità”

HEALTHY AGEING: "the future of longevity"

01 July 2015
HEALTHY AGEING: “il futuro della longevità”

That is, "healthy aging". The aging of the population at the European and global level poses important challenges in the social, cultural, economic, and health-related areas. And perhaps there is no more important related area than that of food and nutrition, the theme of EXPO. Invecchiamento sano

Proper nutrition and good nutritional status are important prerequisites for maintaining health at all stages of life and become even more critical and crucial in the aging process. In fact, nutrition can not only be a key element in reducing factors that predispose to aging, but also a tool to mitigate the effects of diseases typical of this stage of life.

The problem of malnutrition in the elderly is often greatly underestimated and automatically, after a certain age, the elective intervention becomes pharmacological. In reality, scientific and non-scientific evidence increasingly shows how through adequate (sustainable and accessible) nutrition and a correct lifestyle, a more significant effect in terms of well-being and longevity could be achieved. This effect is amplified when supported by adequate social inclusion.

For these reasons, the program committee of Women&Technology wanted to address one of the thematic dialogues specifically towards healthy aging, fully sharing the main theme of the "3 G" (people, genders, and generations) of the entire Expo Women Global Forum project. These 3 key words can influence the healthy aging process and must be considered in the development of effective intervention strategies.

The topic will be addressed on 1st July through a format based on a talk show where experts and field witnesses in various fields will try to explain in a simple, practical, direct, and interactive way what is the present and future of this important challenge of our planet. This challenge includes food and nutrition, as well as social inclusion and innovation in all areas related to health and well-being as winning strategies.

This theme is of great relevance not only because it has important implications for research and knowledge, but also for the impact it can have on companies in the food sector, ICT, and companies engaged in the development and optimization of devices for improving lifestyles.

It is no coincidence that this topic is a specific focus of the European Commission.

Furthermore, the theme of food accessibility for all elderly people, which will be discussed at the event, sets a goal of transversal and global relevance that can and should engage all available forces; not only scientific ones but also social, economic, and political ones. The definition of a future project for healthy aging cannot ignore the commitment to identify resources to guarantee economically non-self-sufficient elderly and frail populations access to a "basket of necessary products" to maintain adequate nutritional status and reduce the risks associated with malnutrition. In this sense, thematic dialogue will be a first step towards launching this future challenge to which everyone can contribute with ideas, services, products, and willingness to solidarity.


  • Sandra Caldeira (European Commission);
  • Amleto D’Amicis (Italian Society of Human Nutrition);
  • Marianna Faraldi (Tecnoalimenti);
  • Laura Iris Ferro (Sorin Group);
  • Guido Masnata / Chiara Cavazzini (Civitas Vitae);
  • Antonello Lorenzini (University of Bologna);
  • Milko Zanini (University of Genoa).


  • Alessandra Bordoni ( Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Bologna)
  • Patrizia Riso ( Department of Food, Nutrition and Environmental Sciences - DeFENS, University of Milan)


  • When: July 1, 2015, from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • Where : National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" (Cenacolo Hall) - Via San Vittore 21, Milan


The Women and Technologies Association was founded in 2009 from an idea of Gianna Martinengo , shared by a network of companies and individuals who offer their skills to achieve its mission. Enhancing female talent in technology, innovation, and scientific research, promoting projects and actions aimed at fighting stereotypes and gender discrimination, contributing to guiding young people towards future professions and sustainable entrepreneurial models, are the objectives of the Association.
  • We develop projects : From 2009 to today, the Association has conceived and implemented 15 projects in partnership with private and public entities such as the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Education, University and Research, Lombardy Region, Province of Milan, Chamber of Commerce of Milan.
  • We promote sharing and exchanging experiences and skills in the fields of technology, scientific research, innovation, business, gender gap, diversity.
  • Let's network. The Association is open to all those who wish to contribute voluntarily and directly to shared objectives. It is permeated by the principles of innovation in all its components, starting from the members (women and men) who have diverse professional experiences and represent excellence in various reference sectors.

Fondazione Italia per il dono

Since its foundation, the Association Women and Technologies is registered in the regional registry of associations, movements, and women's organizations in Lombardy. It is possible to support the organization of the event " Healthy Ageing: the future of longevity " through a donation to the Expo Women Global Forum Fund : discover the ways to join .

With the support of



Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Nutritional needs and issues in the elderly
Guests/Speakers: Amleto D'Amicis

Just like other population groups, older adults can also experience forms of malnutrition due to excesses or deficiencies. The new LARN (Reference Intake Levels of Nutrients and Energy for the Italian Population) have recognized the importance of a more targeted diet for the elderly, dedicating paragraphs with specific references (proteins, fiber, vitamins, etc.) and establishing appropriate nutritional goals for the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases typical of old age.

Healthy ageing: interest of the agri-food industry and the role of research
Guests/Speakers: Marianna Faraldi

The intervention will examine the approach of companies in the agri-food sector to the issue, based mainly on the study and development of new products targeted at the elderly, in a market that is increasingly attentive to the needs of this specific part of the population in light of the ongoing social changes. It will also highlight how the EU and some recent national calls for proposals are supporting this trend through public funding.

The Civitas Vitae application platform for the challenges of longevity
Guests/Speakers: Guido Masnata Chiara Cavazzini

Civitas Vitae in Padua is the first social cohesion infrastructure in Italy. It is a social laboratory promoted by the Fondazione Oic onlus as a synthesis of over 60 years of activity in supporting longevity and fragile people in general. In over 12 hectares, socio-sanitary, educational, cultural, sports, residential, and advanced research structures coexist harmoniously, operating transparently with the territory in the logic of experimenting and applying techniques and methodologies, also particularly innovative and experimental, aimed at ensuring a full life for the people who attend it. In particular, the strong relational dimension that underlies the format guarantees the conditions for overcoming some of the risk factors related to the malnutrition of the elderly.

The project "Nutricare": a successful example for reducing malnutrition in fragile patients
Guests/Speakers: Milko Zanini

Malnutrition is a significant problem in frail individuals. Prejudices about what, how, and how much an elderly person should eat are still strong and widespread, significantly influencing the food supply for these patients. The daily nutritional needs are often not met, especially in patients with swallowing difficulties, chewing problems, or cognitive impairment. The NUTRICARE project demonstrates the effectiveness of targeted interventions for this group of individuals.

Aging, nutrition, and care
Guests/Speakers: Laura Iris Ferro

Proper nutrition is one of the foundations of caring for the elderly, taking into account the changes that the body undergoes with age. The strict management of these aspects and the implementation of a true food policy for the elderly are key elements in qualifying the level of service in care facilities.

Active and healthy aging in Europe
Guests/Speakers: Sandra Caldeira

In her speech, Sandra Caldeira will explore the concept of "active and healthy ageing" in Europe through key words such as opportunities, nutrition, protection, and diversity.

Introduction and moderation
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