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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Women & Technologies®: e-Health (2011)"

Women & Technologies®: e-Health (2011)

07 November 2011
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Women & Technologies®: e-Health (2011)"

IV edition
International Conference
Women &

Bio and Nanotech Tecnologie ® : e-Health and "The Technovisionary" Award ® " 2011

With the participation of the President of the Republic

The fourth edition of the International Conference "Women&Technologies" ® "and the International Prize "The Technovisionaries" ® "2011 confirmed itself as a prominent and successful event in the international scientific landscape. Since 2008, it has proposed a new vision of the relationship between women and technologies, addressing it not as a gender issue but as a tool to enhance female talent in research, technological development, and innovation, with particular attention to the themes of interest of Expo 2015. The 2011 edition, after the previous ones dedicated to the ICT sector, focused on Research and Innovation in the Health field, with a special emphasis on technologies applied both to early disease diagnosis and to the treatment of even rare pathologies. A significant section of the conference was dedicated to the role of women in health research and technology professions. Thus Gianna Martinengo, creator and chairperson of Women & Technologies." Donne & Tecnologie ® 2008-2015” ® , explains the challenge at the heart of the initiative: " Our goal this year, as in previous years, was to demonstrate the excellence of female contribution in high-tech activities. Despite this evidence, there is still a prejudice that scientific research and technologies are male competences; this prevents the country from fully utilizing the talents and abilities of both genders for its development. With Women&Technologies we increase everyone's awareness of the potential, creativity, quantity, and quality of female contribution in the fields of research and innovation". ®

Contributions, Collaborations, and Partners
The strong and motivated involvement of partners consisting of a dense number of organizations, companies, and institutions, together with the endorsements and institutional presences have highlighted the importance of the initiative and the need to continue on the path of identifying and enhancing "themes" and "people" aimed at the growth and development of the country.
The conference received the endorsement of the President of the Republic and was sponsored by the Women and Technology Association, in partnership with the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci", which hosted the event. It was made possible with the contribution of the Milan Chamber of Commerce. Intesa Sanpaolo, Farmindustria, Assolombarda, Gruppo Multimedica, Diagramma, TT factor, Areta International, SEA airports of Milan, ATM, participated as partners. The event was organized by Didael KTS, with Radio 24 as a media partner. Credit Suisse, Grafica Metelliana, ITG, Sevengrams, and Moët Hennessy Italia also contributed to the realization of the Conference and the final Gala Dinner.
The 2011 edition received institutional endorsements from the Minister of Youth, the Minister for Public Administration and Innovation, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Equal Opportunities, the Lombardy Region, and the Province of Milan - Equal Opportunities.
The initiative was awarded the medal that President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano wanted to dedicate as his official award.

Personalities from the scientific, academic, political, and institutional world participated in the conference and award ceremony of the "Le Tecnovisionarie" 2011 Prize: women but also men who have strengthened the presence and impact of women.
The fourth edition of Women&Technologies, under the guidance of Gianna Martinengo, who has made the relationship between technologies and innovation one of the main themes of her professional life as a researcher and entrepreneur, saw the involvement of 13 members of the Strategic Committee , 17 members of the Program Committee , 21 qualified Speakers , 2 individuals for institutional greetings and, finally, an organizing committee that benefited from the passionate contribution of 50 women and men associated and friends of the Women and Technologies Association.

The Conference
The day started with greetings from the Director General of the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" Fiorenzo Galli and the President of the Strategic Committee of Women&Technologies Donne & Tecnologie ® : The Protagonists ® ® 8 members of the Jury of the "Techno Visionary Award" ® " 2011 ® Sergio Dompé . After the opening speech by Gianna Martinengo , the first two round tables coordinated respectively by Daniela Bellomo , General Manager of TT Factor and Maria Luisa Nolli , CEO of Areta International. To coordinate the afternoon round table, Alessandra Perrazzelli , Head of International Regulatory and Antitrust Affairs Office, Intesa Sanpaolo, intervened.
Greetings were also received from Giorgia Meloni , Minister of Youth and from Roberto Formigoni , President of the Lombardy Region.

The 3 Round Tables of the Conference
The topics discussed in the 3 round tables, in addition to the high scientific rigor , were also valuable from a informative and guidance perspective for the numerous participants not involved in the field and young people present in the room.
The discussion around the first round table "New frontiers for diagnosis and therapy: biomarkers, imaging and robotics" focused on the evolution of the biotech industry, which has seen significant growth at a national and international level bringing innovative drugs to the market. The results of biotech innovation are already available to patients, but are still not widely known. With the second round table "Rare and neglected diseases" the presence was highlighted, within the new drugs that are revolutionizing the world of medicine, of a very innovative niche of biopharmaceuticals that are medicines for selected patients and for the treatment of conditions not curable with traditional drugs. The last round table "The value of Women" addressed the need to build in Italy, as is already happening in other countries, a bridge between research and finance to create companies and support the development of new drugs, generating wealth and "qualified" jobs at the same time. The discussion focused in particular on the model of university spin-offs, very successful in the USA and highly appealing to venture capitalists in other countries, but greatly undervalued in Italy.

The permanent laboratory: towards the 2012 Edition
The 2012 edition will represent the opening conference of the three-year period dedicated to food, a theme strongly related to health, sustainability, and innovation. The Conference's approach involves a debate on the application of science and technology in favor of conscious eating, with particular attention to the female figure, always linked to the theme of nutrition. The goal is to provide a complete and user-friendly view for the end consumer of the new frontiers in food connected to prevention, the development of sustainable agriculture, and support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the sector that represent excellence to be protected, as well as the most innovative proposals from research on packaging, information transparency, and eco-friendly technologies.

The interesting and innovative aspect of the Women&Technologies approach ® The development of the theme is entrusted, fueled, stimulated by the creative, physical, and virtual Laboratory on the Conference themes. It is an open laboratory all year round that has as its reference point the portal and the network of professionals, experts or simple enthusiasts of the topics under discussion who are involved through dedicated groups on both the blog and the main social networks. The Laboratory is also fueled by initiatives organized within the events that prepare the Women & Technologies Conference (2008-2015). Therefore, starting from today and throughout the year, it will be possible to monitor and be part of the development of the main theme for. The portal will continue to be active and will become the focal point of an open discussion on the conference themes, collecting and disseminating contributions from all interested parties; in this way, it will constitute an important element of continuity in view of the new "edition 2012" of Women & Technologies. ® contribute to the birth of the 2012 edition of Women&Technologies ® ®

Multimedia Acts

Photo Service
A photo service was carried out, with the prior authorization of the Conference Protagonists, and was published on the conference portal.
The photo gallery can be viewed at this address:

Video Production
The following video clips were produced for the conference:

Radio spot production
Radio24 (Sole 24 Ore Group) has produced and aired a 30'' spot in the programming of the 2 weeks leading up to the conference.


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Greetings message from Giorgia Meloni | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)

Rome, November 6, 2011

Dear Doctor Martinengo,

Thank you for inviting me to participate in the Fourth Edition of the Conference "Womens & Technologies®: e-Health" but, due to unavoidable commitments previously taken, I am forced to decline your kind invitation.

Women demonstrate, day after day, to be perfectly capable of handling pressure, making decisions, coordinating entire teams, and taking on responsibilities in many sectors, especially in a delicate and vital field such as medicine. Female scientists and doctors make up the elite of Italian and international healthcare and are proving to be the true innovators of a sector that can also benefit from another perspective, that of women, to address problems and develop solutions, with an undeniable benefit for those in need of care, requiring both moral and clinical assistance. Women are able to maintain a consistently high quality in interpersonal relationships, can act with total transparency and fullness of resources and emotions, without losing the necessary fundamental rationality in medical issues. Our nation needs to fully enjoy the potential and creativity of women. Their contribution in the field of innovation and research in the Health sector is essential. Women & Technologies confirms once again this year the high level of its meetings and the authority with which it analyzes the commitment of women in modern society.

In renewing my regret for not being able to be present, I take this opportunity to extend to you, to the distinguished guests, and to all those present my warmest greetings and best wishes for success.

Giorgia Meloni

Greetings message from Roberto Formigoni | Women&Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)

Milan, November 4, 2011

Dear President Martinengo,

I am grateful for the invitation to the Fourth Edition of the International Conference Women and Technologies. Although I am unable to attend, I still wish to express my personal support for this event, which represents an important moment of discussion on technologies applied to health.

Research and innovation are indispensable tools for growth and development, especially in this time of crisis. In Lombardy, the promotion and support of research in the health sector occupy a prominent position, and the application of the most sophisticated technologies to the field of health is already a strength.

Your conference has the merit of also exploring another crucial aspect: the role that women can play in this sector.
Personally, I am increasingly convinced that the leadership of women is an essential resource for the growth of Italy, and that promoting a more appropriate female presence in fields traditionally reserved for men is no longer just a matter of equal opportunities or social justice, but also of overall development of our country.

In this sense, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to the "tech visionaries" awarded in this edition, thanking them for having contributed, each in their own sector, to combining innovation and technology, without losing sight of the centrality of the individual.

With these feelings, I renew the praise of the Lombard Government for this conference and send to you and all the participants my warmest wishes for good work.

Roberto Formigoni

09:30 - 09:35
Greetings from Fiorenzo Galli | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Fiorenzo Galli

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Greetings from Fiorenzo Galli, General Director of the National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci" in Milan

09:35 - 09:40
Greetings from Sergio Dompé | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Greetings from Sergio Dompé, President of Dompé Farmaceutici and President of the Strategic Committee of Women&Technologies

09:40 - 09:50
Greetings and introduction by Gianna Martinengo | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Gianna Martinengo

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Greetings and introduction by Gianna Martinengo, creator and chairperson of the Women&Technologies International Conference and President of the Women and Technologies Association

09:50 - 10:00
Introduction by Daniela Bellomo | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Daniela Bellomo

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Introduction to the Round Table "New frontiers for diagnosis and therapy: biomarkers, imaging, and robotics" by Coordinator Daniela Bellomo, General Director of TT Factor, Campus IFOM-IEO

10:00 - 10:10
Intervention by Valeria Panebianco | Women&Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Valeria Panebianco

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Speech by Valeria Panebianco, Radiologist, Department of Radiological, Oncological and Pathological Sciences, Umberto I Polyclinic, Rome

10:10 - 10:20
Intervention by Maria Picchio | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Maria Picchio

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Maria Picchio, Researcher, Nuclear Medicine Unit and PET Center, San Raffaele del Monte Tabor Foundation, Milan

10:20 - 10:30
Presentation by Adriana Albini | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Adriana Albini

Women & Technologies (Edition 2011)
Intervention by Adriana Albini, Head of Oncological Research, Scientific and Technological Center - IRCCS MultiMedica

10:30 - 10:40
Intervention by Maria Rescigno | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Maria Rescigno

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Intervention by Maria Rescigno, Director, Immunobiology of Dendritic Cells and Immunotherapy, European Institute of Oncology, Dept. of Experimental Oncology

10:50 - 11:00
Giulia Veronesi's Speech | Women&Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Giulia Veronesi

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Speech by Giulia Veronesi, Director, Lung Cancer Early Detection Unit, Division of Thoracic Surgery, European Institute of Oncology

11:00 - 11:10
Arianna Menciassi's Presentation | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Arianna Menciassi

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Arianna Menciassi, Associate Professor of Industrial Bioengineering, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa

11:10 - 11:20
Speech by Mariella Enoc | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Mariella Enoc

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Mariella Enoc, Vice President of the Cariplo Foundation

11:20 - 11:30
Presentation by Gianna Milano | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Gianna Milano

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Gianna Milano, science journalist

11:30 - 11:35
Clarifications from the speakers of the first round table | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Clarifications on the round table "New frontiers for diagnosis and therapy: biomarkers, imaging, and robotics"

11:35 - 11:50
Final Q&A Session | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Final session of questions and answers on the round table "New frontiers for diagnosis and therapy: biomarkers, imaging, and robotics"

11:50 - 11:55
Round table "Rare and neglected diseases": introduction by Maria Luisa Nolli | Women&Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Maria Luisa Nolli

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Round table "Rare and neglected diseases": introduction by Maria Luisa Nolli, round table coordinator and CEO of Areta International

11:55 - 12:00
First intervention by Lucia Monaco | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Lucia Monaco

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Lucia Monaco, Director of the Scientific Office, Fondazione TELETHON

12:00 - 12:10
Intervention by Ariela Benigni | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Ariela Benigni

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Ariela Benigni, Head of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Centro Anna Maria Astori

12:10 - 12:15
First intervention by Carmela Di Gregorio | Women & Technologies: e-Health (Edition 2011)
Guests/Speakers: Carmela Di Gregorio

Women & Technologies (Edition 2011)
Speech by Carmela Di Gregorio, Manager of the "Hereditary Tumor Pathology: Optimization of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pathways" Simple Structure, Anatomic and Pathological Histology, University Hospital of Modena

12:15 - 12:20
First intervention by Leonardo Salviati | Women&Technologies: e-Health (Edition 2011)
Guests/Speakers: Leonardo Salviati

Women & Technologies (Edition 2011)
Speech by Leonardo Salviati, Researcher, University of Padua

12:20 - 12:25
First intervention by Stefano Bruni | Women&Technologies: e-Health (Edition 2011)
Guests/Speakers: Stefano Bruni

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Stefano Bruni, Scientific Director - Genzyme Italy

12:25 - 12:30
Second intervention by Daniela Jabes | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Daniela Jabes

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Daniela Jabes, President, NeED Foundation

12:30 - 12:35
First intervention by Donatella Taramelli | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Donatella Taramelli

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Presentation by Donatella Taramelli, Full Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Milan

12:35 - 12:40
Clarification by Daniela Jabes | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Daniela Jabes

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Clarification by Daniela Jabes, President, NeED Foundation

12:40 - 12:45
Second intervention by Ariela Benigni | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Ariela Benigni

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Ariela Benigni, Head of the Department of Molecular Medicine at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Centro Anna Maria Astori

12:45 - 12:50
Second intervention by Lucia Monaco | Women & Technologies: e-Health (Edition 2011)
Guests/Speakers: Lucia Monaco

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Lucia Monaco, Director of the Scientific Office, Fondazione TELETHON

12:50 - 12:55
Second intervention by Stefano Bruni | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Stefano Bruni

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Stefano Bruni, Scientific Director - Genzyme Italy

12:55 - 13:00
Second intervention by Carmela Di Gregorio | Women & Technologies: e-Health (Edition 2011)
Guests/Speakers: Carmela Di Gregorio

Women & Technologies (Edition 2011)
Speech by Carmela Di Gregorio, Manager of the "Hereditary Tumor Pathology: Optimization of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Pathways" Simple Structure, Anatomic and Pathological Histology, University Hospital of Modena

13:00 - 13:05
Second intervention by Leonardo Salviati | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Leonardo Salviati

Women & Technologies (Edition 2011)
Speech by Leonardo Salviati, Researcher, University of Padua

13:05 - 13:10
Clarification by Lucia Monaco | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Lucia Monaco

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Lucia Monaco, Director of the Scientific Office, Fondazione TELETHON

13:10 - 13:15
Second intervention by Donatella Taramelli | Women & Technologies: e-Health (Edition 2011)
Guests/Speakers: Donatella Taramelli

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Presentation by Donatella Taramelli, Full Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Milan

13:15 - 13:20
Second intervention by Daniela Jabes | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Daniela Jabes

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Speech by Daniela Jabes, President, NeED Foundation

13:20 - 13:25
Final session of questions from the public | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Final session of questions from the public

13:25 - 13:30
Acknowledgements from Gianna Martinengo | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Gianna Martinengo

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Thanks from Gianna Martinengo after the first two round tables

14:30 - 14:35
Introduction by Alessandra Perrazzelli | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Alessandra Perrazzelli

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Introduction by Alessandra Perrazzelli, coordinator of the round table "On the Value of Women"
Head of the International Regulatory and Antitrust Affairs Office, Intesa Sanpaolo, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo Eurodesk, President of Valore D

14:35 - 14:45
Presentation by Luca Buccoliero | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Luca Buccoliero

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Round Table "The Value of Women"
Speech by Luca Buccoliero, Professor, Marketing Department, Bocconi University, Milan

14:45 - 14:55
Presentation by Giuseppe Varchetta | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Giuseppe Varchetta

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Round Table "The Value of Women"
Speech by Giuseppe Varchetta, Psychosocioanalyst, expert in human resources management

14:55 - 15:00
Gabriella Pravettoni's Intervention | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Gabriella Pravettoni

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Round Table "On the Value of Women"
Speech by Gabriella Pravettoni, Full Professor of Psychology, University of Milan

15:00 - 15:10
Presentation by Roberta De Monticelli | Women&Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Roberta De Monticelli

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Roundtable "The Value of Women"
Speech by Roberta De Monticelli, Full Professor of Philosophy of the Person, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

15:10 - 15:20
Speech by Maurizio Ferrera | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Maurizio Ferrera

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Round Table "The Value of Women"
Speech by Maurizio Ferrera, Full Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, University of Milan, President of the Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Studies, University of Milan

15:20 - 15:50
Debate during the roundtable "The Value of Women" | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)

Women & Technologies (2011 Edition)
Debate during the round table "The Value of Women"

15:50 - 16:10
Final session of questions from the public | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)

Women&Technologies (Edition 2011)
Final session of questions from the audience, round table "The Value of Women"

16:10 - 16:15
Conclusions by Gianna Martinengo | Women & Technologies: e-Health (2011 Edition)
Guests/Speakers: Gianna Martinengo

Women&Technologies (2011 Edition)
Round Table "The Value of Women"
Conclusions by Gianna Martinengo, creator and chairperson of Women&Technologies

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