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Poster per l'evento intitolato "Biotech: la strada verso un futuro sostenibile"

Biotech: the path towards a sustainable future

27 September 2022
Poster per l'evento intitolato "Biotech: la strada verso un futuro sostenibile"

One health approach, sustainable development, producing more with less, creating new materials from renewable sources, developing a reuse of productions through circular bioeconomy, absorbing the negative effects of some productions by combating pollution in entire areas, using the waste from an economic activity to produce new wealth.

There are many different urgent matters, no longer postponable, to which we are called to quickly provide a solution.

Biotechnologies are a valuable and concrete tool to respond to these needs and represent an extraordinary accelerator for the country's development in a perspective that for the first time manages to reconcile economic growth and sustainable development.

Conversation between generations, skills, emerging technologies.

The speakers

Lucia Gardossi
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences - University of Trieste
Visit the speaker's page
Maria Pia Abbracchio
Full Professor of Pharmacology and Vice Rector University of Milan
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Paola Sangiovanni
Partner Law Firm Gitti And Partners
Visit the speaker's page
Elena Sgaravatti
President of Plantarei, Vice President of Assobiotec, CS of Women&Tech® ETS
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