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Poster per l'evento intitolato "X edizione Premio Le Tecnovisionarie: Creatività e Innovazione"

10th edition of the Technovisionary Award: Creativity and Innovation

19 May 2017
Poster per l'evento intitolato "X edizione Premio Le Tecnovisionarie: Creatività e Innovazione"

Creativity and Innovation: intersection between art, science, and technology.

May 19, 2017, 7:30 PM, Villa Erba, Cernobbio (Como)

10 years. Much more than just a date: an important milestone

turns 10 years old. We have truly come a long way together and we are extremely happy and proud to have made it this far thanks to the work and enthusiasm of all those who have collaborated with us and supported us in these years of intense and exciting activity, during which we have built a network of great value, a network of relationships based on esteem and recognition of female talent. Women & Tech ® - Women and Technologies

For the tenth edition of the Award, dedicated to " Creativity and Innovation ", we have thought of a special framework and it seemed right to us that the celebration of an anniversary also had a distinctive program, which allowed us to welcome the Technovisionaries The Technovisionaries ® ® 2017, but also to celebrate the 70 women honored in previous editions and celebrate together with the diverse and heterogeneous audience of our supporters. The Technovisionaries ® They are women who have testified to possessing vision, prioritizing social impact, transparency in behavior, and ethics, women who contribute to inventing the future.

We have chosen the "Lady of the Lake" - Villa Erba in Cernobbio - a fascinating place, rich in history, to host an evening that we would like to be engaging and interesting thanks to the thread of celebrating female talent. The Villa is accessed through a wonderful park - large, quiet, imposing, and surprisingly flat - and the view of Lake Como is not immediate, but all to be discovered, just like the different moments of the evening will be.

The evocative images of the journey taken in these 10 years will welcome you to accompany you in the hall, overlooking the balconies of the first floor, illuminated by a beautiful skylight. Crossing the door that leads to the wonderful lake-facing salons, you will be captivated by the poetry of the shots of the exhibition Women With Turbans by Guido Taroni, whose great-grandmother was the original owner of the Villa. A series of magnetic portraits of women wearing the Vita turban, created by Mantero for the Dee Di Vita project, in support of Health in the Mirror Onlus. The project, conceived by Valentina Di Mattei and Giorgia Mangili of the San Raffaele Hospital, involves women (doctors, psychologists, volunteers, make-up artists, stylists) who are daily committed to providing psychological support to other women undergoing chemotherapy treatment and in need of regaining confidence and love for themselves (

Continuing along the path, the lake will appear before your eyes: from the terrace of the Villa, where guests can enjoy a cocktail, it will almost seem like you can touch it, smell its fragrance, and absorb its tranquility.

The moment of the award ceremony will be conducted by journalist Monica D'Ascenzo from Il Sole 24 Ore, who will introduce us to the Technovisionaries. ® 2017. They are women who have been able to combine, in their careers and lives, creativity, sustainability, and innovation in various fields: from design to innovation, from finance to fashion, from art to health, from culture to media. Distinguished figures in business, research, and culture will present the awards accompanied by "special" godmothers, awarded in previous editions, to emphasize solidarity among women.

The Technovisionaries will receive a canvas from the collection ANITA', dedicated to women who have been able to combine "heart and invention" achieving prestigious goals in service of others, specially created for the Award. In addition, the Association will donate a Vita turban, made by Mantero in a limited series dedicated to Como, as a sign of sisterhood to the Technovisionaries. ® 2017.

An exciting narrative about the history and protagonists of the "Lady of the Lake", residence and source of inspiration for Luchino Visconti, will conclude the evening with the opportunity to visit the museum space of the Villa.

The evening ( by invitation ) will see the participation of decision-makers from the Enterprise, University, Public Administration, and personalities from the scientific and media world.

Salute allo Specchio Onlus Azimut Studio Previtali SEA Milano Lenovo American Express Banco BPM Federlegno Arredo Fondazione ATM FP&Partners INAIL Villa Erba Lifegate La Provincia di Como Didael KTS DEE DI VITA Mantero Ospedale San Raffaele Gruppo San Donato Regione Lombardia Parlamento Europeo Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Comune di Milano Comune di Cernobbio Assolombarda Unindustria Como Camera di Commercio di Como Comitato per l'Imprenditoria Femminile di Como Soroptimist - Club di Como e Milano La Scala RAI Way


Discover the full event schedule, session times, topics, and keynote speakers.

Sustainability and Cultural Ethics Award
Guests/Speakers: Anna Gastel

Anna Gastel
President of MITO Settembre Musica

A career marked by challenges faced with determination and elegance, with the goal of safeguarding and promoting beauty, whether it be artistic, cultural, or natural, in its ethical dimension, understood as an emotion capable of engaging everyone, stirring consciences, and speaking a universal language.

Award presented by: Guido Taroni , photographer

Godmother: Simona Roveda , editorial director and communication at LifeGate, Technovisionary 2014 in the WomenMedia category

Creative Award
Guests/Speakers: Marina Salamon

Marina Salamon
President of Doxa, Save The Duck, Altana

He chose to follow his heart and indulge his creative impulse by pursuing the dream of an ideal business, a place where success and economic growth are the result of a shared commitment and proportional to the human and professional growth of its employees. An innovative and forward-thinking corporate vision, which has managed to turn into a great success, without giving up the warmth of family, civic engagement, and study.

Award presented by: Umberto Ambrosoli , criminal lawyer, President of Banca Popolare di Milano SpA

Godmother: Daniela Aleggiani , Communication 3M Italy and Secretary General of the 3M Foundation, Technovisionary 2015 in the WomenSustainability category for the environment.

Scientific Research Award
Guests/Speakers: Maria Pia Abbracchio

Maria Pia Abbracchio
Full Professor of Pharmacology at the Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences of the State University of Milan, President of the Filarete Foundation

A life spent studying the functioning of the brain, his great passion, and the role of purines, universal signaling molecules, in neurodegenerative diseases.
His enthusiasm has driven him to also work on transferring laboratory knowledge into the development of new treatments because the greatest satisfaction is seeing how the seed of an idea can transform into a tangible benefit for people's lives.

Award presented by: Paola Zaratin , Scientific Research Director of AISM

Godmother: Michela Matteoli, head of Humanitas Neuro Center, director of the CNR Institute of Neuroscience, and professor at Humanitas University, Technovisionaria 2011 in the Nanotech category.

Culture Award
Guests/Speakers: Lella Costa

Lella Costa
actress and writer

One of the most sensitive interpreters of Italian theater, a versatile artist capable of engaging and moving the audience from the stage, as well as from the pages of a book, with intelligence and irony. Civil passion has driven her to personally engage in defending civil rights and to challenge herself by addressing the theme of the female condition, also capturing its most intimate aspects.

Presenting the award: Cinzia Sasso, journalist

Health and Medical Research Award
Guests/Speakers: Giulia Veronesi

Giulia Veronesi
Head of the Robotic Surgery Unit at the Division of Thoracic Surgery and General Surgery, Humanitas Research Hospital

It is thanks to an instinctive desire to help others that she embarked on studies in medicine, followed by a specialization in thoracic surgery and a professional path that includes and integrates research and clinical activities. With passion and tenacity, she has managed to achieve unexpected results, especially for a woman, in robotic surgery applied to thoracic oncological pathologies, of which she is one of the leading experts in Italy, and in conducting a pioneering worldwide bioscreening project for the development of an early diagnosis test for lung cancer in at-risk individuals (smokers).

Award presented by: Daniela Bellomo , CEO of TTFactor, Technology Transfer company of IEO and IFOM

Godmother: Enrica Monticelli , Comfort R&D Director and Platform Innovation De Longhi Group, Technovisionary 2012 in the WomenInnovation category.

Artistic Innovation Award
Guests/Speakers: Beatrice Trussardi

Beatrice Trussardi
President of the Nicola Trussardi Foundation

Explore different ways and places to present contemporary art, removing all rigid boundaries, with the aim of creating a new, engaging dialogue between art and the city. Thanks to this innovative vision, it has courageously subverted the traditional rules of exhibition spaces, transforming the historic Fondazione Trussardi into a true nomadic museum that, with major exhibitions and international artists, brings new vitality to forgotten palaces and symbolic spaces in Milan and gives its citizens and visitors the opportunity to rediscover them.

Award presented by: Giovanna Forlanelli Rovati , General Manager of Rottapharm Biotech

Godmother: Anamaria Testa , essayist, blogger, and communication expert, Tecnovisionaria 2015 in the WomenSustainability category for culture.

Third Sector and Circular Economy Award
Guests/Speakers: Monica De Paoli

Monica De Paoli
Founding Partner of Milano Notai Associati
Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Italia per il Dono Foundation

Social notary, by profession and by militancy. A commitment that has seen her at the forefront on all issues of the transformation of the Italian social economy: the reform of the Third Sector, the law for "After us", the application of the law on benefit companies and innovative startups with a social vocation.
She likes to say that "gender equality, circular economy, immigration, and work are non-postponable chapters, on which we will all be evaluated: politicians, administrators, businesses, professionals, and citizens".

Award presented by: Annamaria Parente , senator, PD group leader in the Labor Committee, rapporteur of the disability law ("After us").

Godmother: Carlotta Sami , spokeperson UNHCR, Tecnovisionaria 2015 in the WomenSustainability category for social issues.

Innovative Development Paths Award
Guests/Speakers: Olga Iarussi

Olga Iarussi
CEO Southern Europe Triumph International

She has made resilience, the ability to reorganize positively in the face of difficulties, her personal motto, both in her profession and in private life. Convinced that obstacles are nothing but opportunities to improve, with tenacity, will, incredible organizational skills, as well as supported by a solid preparation, Olga has been able to achieve her goals by bringing out not only the best in herself, but also in her teams and the company she leads.

Award presented by: Massimo Valente , Wealth Manager at AZIMUT

Godmother: Maria Mantero , co-founder of Dee Di Vita.

Design Award
Guests/Speakers: Marta Anzani

Marta Anzani
Corporate Manager Poliform

Combine research, innovation, and craftsmanship. This is the basis of the success of a historic Italian company, which has its solid foundations in the family nucleus, of which Marta represents the third generation. With enthusiasm, intuition, and the ability to anticipate the rapid market transformations, together with her cousins, she has been able to meet the challenge of a globalized world, exporting Italian elegance and design to over seventy countries worldwide.

Award presented by: Nazareno Mengoni , President of the Youth Group of FederlegnoArredo

Godmother: Jessica Astolfi , architect and professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Tecnovisionary 2015 in the WomenInnovation category.

Finance and Social Innovation Award
Guests/Speakers: Alessandra Perrazzelli

Alessandra Perrazzelli
Country Manager Barclays
Vice President A2A

The first and only female banker in Italy, she is a protagonist of the ongoing change in financial services and, with great commitment, contributes to promoting innovation in business also through attention to diversity and inclusion issues, with particular reference to the promotion of female talent and a greater awareness of the role of women in the country's economic system.
She has lovingly raised two children, demonstrating that even for a leader, balancing work and private life is possible.

Award presented by: Raffaele Jerusalmi , CEO of Borsa Italiana

Godmother: Margherita O’Connor , 17 years old student at the British School of Milan.

Media Award
Guests/Speakers: Laura La Posta

Laura La Posta
Editor-in-chief of Rapporti24 at Il Sole 24 Ore
Columnist on social economy topics

Passionate about scientific, technological, and social innovation and very active in volunteering for women and children, her work as a journalist has seen her engaged for years, with the passion and enthusiasm that are her own, in providing serious and competent information on issues related to international economy, with particular reference to green business and sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, female leadership issues, and the world of start-ups, with the aim of bringing out young talents.

Award presented by: Antonio Calabrò , journalist and writer, director of the Pirelli Foundation, vice president of Assolombarda.

Godmother: Patrizia Rutigliano, President of Ferpi and Director of Institutional Relations and Communication at Snam.

Special Europe Award
Guests/Speakers: Patrizia Toia

Patrizia Toia
Member of the European Parliament, Vice President of the ITRE Committee on Industry, Research and Energy European Parliament

The passion for politics and civic engagement are the driving force that led her to pursue a career filled with institutional commitments, moving from the first regional positions, to the Senate of the Republic and the Government, to the election, in 2004, as a Member of the European Parliament as Vice-President of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee.
She led the European Parliament to approve her Initiative Report on the Social Market Economy, for greater cultural and legal recognition of all the realities of the associative world, social enterprises, cooperatives, foundations, and mutual societies. Priority fields of commitment are energy, telecommunications, and scientific research.

Award presented by: Piero Bassetti , President of the Giannino Bassetti Foundation and President of Globus et Locus

Godmother: Rosanna Massarenti , director of Altroconsumo, Technovisionary 2013 in the WomenMedia category

Special Career Award
Guests/Speakers: Diana Bracco

Diana Bracco

President and CEO of Bracco Group and President of Bracco Foundation

Entrepreneur in love with research, she stands out not only for the achievements reached at the helm of a Group that in ninety years has become a world leader in diagnostic imaging, but also for her innovative vision and commitment to the dissemination of scientific culture. An commitment carried out in the company and through her numerous roles in the associational system, first as President of Federchimica and Assolombarda and then as Vice-President of Confindustria with a focus on Research and Innovation.

Pragmatic, rigorous, and tenacious, she has always been a supporter of cultural and social projects, with a particular focus on women and gender equality policies, also through the activities of the Bracco Foundation, founded in 2010, of which she is President.

Award presented by: Caterina Caselli , entrepreneur, president of Sugar Srl and sole director of SugarMusic S.p.A.

Godmother: Emma Bonino

Special Award for Public Administration
Guests/Speakers: INAIL Antonella Ninci

INAIL - National Institute for Insurance against Workplace Accidents
Antonella Ninci, lawyer, coordinator of the Regional Legal Department of INAIL in Tuscany, President of the Unified Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities, the enhancement of the well-being of workers and against discrimination - CUG - of INAIL, receives the award.

An Institute that, in adherence to its mission of overall protection of the health of workers, through constant information and training on organizational well-being, active aging, as well as prevention and combating all forms of discrimination, carries out actions aimed at promoting dignity, integration, and the multidimensionality of the individual. With the aim of empowering its employees and pursuing greater efficiency and productivity, that of INAIL represents an exemplary model of inclusive organization.

Award presented by: Francesca Brianza , Regional Councillor for Basic Income and Social Inclusion

Godmother: Paola Profeta , Associate Professor of Public Finance at Bocconi University in Milan and Coordinator of the Dondena Gender Initiative at the Dondena Center for Social Dynamics and Public Policy.

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