Vincenzo Pepe

Vincenzo Pepe

Founder of the European Ecologist Movement "FareAmbiente"

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Innovation Tram 2021

Philosopher. Professor of Comparative Constitutional Law and Italian and Comparative Environmental Law at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, founder and President of the European Ecological Movement "FareAmbiente". He is considered the leader of responsible and reasonable environmentalism against ideological fundamentalism.

Vincenzo Pepe, associate professor of Constitutional Law and Comparative Italian and Environmental Law at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, founded the European Ecologist Movement "FareAmbiente" - recognized by the Ministry of Environment and Protection of Land and Sea protocol GAB- DEC-2009-0000021 of 27/02/2009.

He is the author of numerous publications translated into different languages in support of a realistic and responsible European environmentalism. In 2013, he wrote "Not in my garden", a passionate story advocating for a renewed conception of environmentalism that narrates the author's human and professional experiences, and exposes a model that defines a positive and proactive environmentalism that looks to science, research, and technology as the origin and foundation of quality of life. The book is published by Baldini and Castoldi.

In 2018, his latest work "Pensare il futuro" was published by Cairo editore, a book that offers a 360-degree view to navigate the fundamental theme of a truly sustainable future. Pepe says that scientific innovation and territorial identity, care for landscapes and the education of new generations, the use of new technologies and research, traditions and culture are the pieces that make up the fascinating puzzle of quality of life. He is the honorary President of the "Fondazione Giambattista Vico" and has created the "Oasi di Filosofia", places of excellence where culture merges with the environment.

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