Vincenzo Guggino

Vincenzo Guggino

General Secretary of the Advertising Self-Discipline Institute


IAP - Advertising Self-Discipline Institute

General Secretary of the Advertising Self-Discipline Institute. Former adjunct professor at the Catholic University of Milan of "Ethics and deontology of commercial communication"
Professor in various Communication Masters: University of Venice, University of Milan; University of Bologna; University of Urbino; "Just Legal Service", Advertising Law Course - IAP.

Part of: the Executive Committee and the Board of EASA - the European Advertising Standards Alliance; the "Marketing Commission" of the International Chamber of Commerce; the Board of Directors and the Board of the Foundation for Advertising Progress; the "Advertising Practices Commission" of the Milan Chamber of Commerce; the Editorial Committee of "Il Diritto Industriale" and editor of the section on advertising self-regulation.
Author of numerous publications on advertising law.

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