Veronica Cornini

Veronica Cornini

R&D Coopbox Group S.p.A.


Graduated in 2003 in Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, at the University of Parma, she then obtained a Master's degree in Food Marketing and Corporate Communication in the agri-food sector the same year and since 2004 she has been working in the Research and Development department of Coopbox Group SpA, Reggio Emilia, dealing with new applications and project management in the fresh food packaging sector.

In this context, she has worked on biodegradable and compostable packaging, new packaging systems for food in the meat and deli sector, intelligent and active packaging, and, more generally, on extending the shelf-life and safety of fresh food. She is a co-author of several patents related to production processes and methods of using new packaging. She is also a co-author of several articles published in industry magazines.

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