Valentina Altamura

Valentina Altamura

Network Engineering Professional - Fastweb

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Digital passion: dreams, experiences, results

Surrounded by those who wanted me to become a literature teacher, after classical high school, disappointing many expectations, I enrolled in the telecommunications engineering faculty at the Polytechnic University of Milan. Initially just for the desire to go against the current, I then became so passionate about the subject that I graduated in 2013 with top marks.

After a few months as a researcher at the university, in 2014 I began my experience at Fastweb as a Project Manager (PM) in the Technology Planning group. From here, brick by brick, I build not only my technical skills but also refine my relational skills, fundamental for effective teamwork. I then landed in the Network Engineering group last year, where I started a new, and definitely challenging, adventure.

My daily goal is to always maintain a high level of interpersonal exchange of skills and knowledge. In my team, on one hand, I strive to acquire more technical expertise in high detail on network architectures and topologies, on the other hand, I put at the service of the entire group the experience and soft skills matured over the years as a PM.

In addition to my professional work, I have several hobbies that, although seemingly different from the rigor of engineering, are closely related in my opinion.

I love sports and cooking: what could be more precise and methodical than perfectly balancing the ingredients for a successful dessert, or measuring times and speeds for a running race?

The advice I received is the one I feel like reiterating: never let anyone tell you "maybe it's better if you do something else" or "I don't think this is your place" or "it is expected that you follow a different path" because those who have an engineer inside, fight constantly, study hard, and become one even outside!

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