Simona Tironi

Simona Tironi

Commissioner for Education, Training, Employment - Lombardy Region

Participate in:

Women, work, technology, and artificial intelligence. Towards more equality and freedom.

Simona Tironi graduated in Accounting and received a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Brescia.

After the journey that saw her for five years first engaged as Councilor for Education and Culture, and then as deputy mayor of her hometown, Travagliato, she was elected in 2018 as regional councilor of Lombardy. For five years she held the role of vice president of the Health and Social Policies Commission. In the Commission, her utmost commitment will lead to the achievement of several milestones that see her involved as the first signatory of regional laws on the protection of minors attending nurseries and micro-nurseries, prevention and treatment of eating disorders and the law unanimously approved on the theme of family caregivers. Other important projects concern child and adolescent neuropsychiatry for which tailored funding and interventions have been made, as well as the approval of the autism plan and the regional prevention plan, in addition to the establishment of a Lombard oncology network (ROL) to spread information and prevention in all areas. She was reconfirmed on February 13, 2023 in the regional elections of Lombardy in the province of Brescia. In the XII Legislature, she is appointed by President Attilio Fontana as Councilor for Education, Training, and Employment.

These are the subjects included in the assignment:

  • Training
  • Education
  • Work
  • Occupation and corporate crises
  • Training tools for job placement
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