Simona Menghini

Simona Menghini

Communication Director, Oracle Italy


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ELLE Active 2020

Simona Menghini is currently the Communication Director of Oracle Italy

Previously, he had held the position of Marketing Leader Italy and Communications Manager Italy and Israel at Lenovo, Managing Director, South-EMEA (Italy, Spain, and South Africa) and Senior Consultant for Text 100 Public Relations, an international communication and marketing consultancy agency.

Previously, she had worked at Adobe Systems as Marketing Communications Manager and in other companies in different sectors (petrochemical, publishing) always in marketing roles.

Simona graduated in Economic and Social Disciplines (D.E.S.) at Bocconi University in Milan, and has a diploma in Business Administration from ISTUD Institute of Management Studies; she speaks and writes fluent English and French and has a good knowledge of Spanish.

In her free time, she practices yoga and participates in sessions of emotional-interactive theater, but she also enjoys dedicating herself to non-profit activities supported by the Waldensian Eight per Thousand.

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