Silvia Sunseri

Silvia Sunseri

Data Consultant per l'Ufficio Esecutivo del Segretario Generale presso le Nazioni Unite

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Data Consultant for the Executive Office of the Secretary-General at the United Nations
Graduate in MSc Quantitative Methods and Data Science, Columbia University, New York

My name is Silvia Sunseri and I was born on May 9, 1997 in Milan. After graduating from the Liceo Classico Berchet in Milan, I decided to enroll at Bocconi University and graduated in 2019 in Economics and Social Sciences.

During my undergraduate studies, I was selected to participate in the Exchange program and had the opportunity to spend six months at the University of Texas at Austin. During those months, I fell in love with the American university system and realized that I would like to continue my studies in the United States. However, American universities had already closed the application process, so I decided to take a gap year to try to be admitted to an American university the following year.

During the sabbatical year, I worked as a Research Assistant for a Harvard professor. That experience was fundamental because it allowed me to understand that in life I would like to become a Data Analyst for some organization and work with data to provide concrete solutions to real problems. In particular, I would like to develop machine learning models that can help understand which factors could lead to the development of depressed areas and improve the conditions of families in need.

At Columbia University in New York, I found the Master's program that more than others would provide me with the skills necessary to achieve my goal. I am now close to completing my Master's in Quantitative Methods and Data Science and I am excited to start working for the United Nations in New York as a Data Analyst and Information Management Intern.

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