Sebastiano Porretta

Sebastiano Porretta

President of AITA, Italian Association of Food Technology.


Sebastiano Porretta is a senior researcher at the Ministry of Economic Development at the Experimental Station for the Food Canning Industry in Parma, where he is responsible for the Department of Consumer Science.

Known to the international scientific community for his studies on the development of systems for the evaluation and optimization of quality in its various aspects, he holds coordination and management roles in national and European research projects. For years he has been working on consumer science issues with original contributions of method and concept, studying the interactions between food composition, sensory properties, and market acceptability.

He is the author of numerous essays published in international journals and books, and author of over twenty specialist texts in Italian and English.

Associate Professor at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, appointed Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science & Technology (IAFoST), President of the Italian Association of Food Technology (AITA).

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