Sandra Cattapan

Sandra Cattapan

Head of Foreign Human Resources Coordination @ Banca Mediolanum


I graduated in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures in Padua. I then gained my first professional experiences in Germany, where I stayed for a few years, working in the field of Education and then in Tourism and Food, always maintaining a strong professional connection with Italy. I have always been attentive to seize the opportunities that presented themselves, doing everything with passion and dedication.

In 2005 I returned to Italy and joined Banca Mediolanum. After an initial experience in the Purchasing Unit, since 2007 I have been in the Human Resources Department, currently holding the role of Foreign Human Resources Coordination Manager, collaborating with the Group's companies in Spain, Ireland, and Germany. At the same time, I have a role focused on Italy, as an HR Business Partner to which I dedicate myself, always maintaining a strong focus on the principle of attention to the individual. Passion for words, for reading and writing. Don't look for me on social media, you won't find me.

Skills for the mentoring path: several years of experience in personnel management with all relevant processes related to selection, evaluation, training, development, and more generally HR strategies in relation to business; knowledge of international contexts.

Phrase that represents me: Respect and listen

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