Salvatore De Caro

Salvatore De Caro

Business Process Intelligence Architect, SAP Italy

Participate in:

Innovation Tram 2021
Tram of Innovation® 2022

25+ years in Information Technology, from Mainframe (Cobol, CICS, DB2, TSO, ISPF, CLIST, REXX, JCL, etc.) to WEB development (first Microsoft then JAVA), DB Administrator, Network Administrator to BusinessObjects for 8 years working as Datawarehouse expert, BusinessIntelligence Developer, SDK developer, Technical Architect and then Information Management consultant with experience in ETL, Data Quality and Metadata Management. Since 2008 at SAP Italy where I have been involved in in-memory computing (SAP HANA Database), Internet of Things, Blockchain, Machine Learning and Robotic Process Automation.

Today I bring together intelligent technologies to enable Italian companies on the path towards the intelligent enterprise.

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