Paolo Milani

Paolo Milani

Scientific Director, Filarete Foundation.


Paolo Milani is Full Professor of Structure of Matter at the Department of Physics of the University of Milan. Graduated in Physics at the University of Pavia in 1984, he obtained the title of Docteur es Sciences at the Institut de Physique Experimentale of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale in Lausanne (CH) in 1991. Since '92 he has been working at the Department of Physics of the University of Milan where he founded and directs the Laboratory of Molecular Jets and Nanocrystalline Materials.

He conducts research in the field of nanostructured materials and specifically in carbon-based systems and transition metal oxides. He is also active in the field of nanostructured materials for energy production and storage and in nanomedicine. He has published 170 articles in international journals and numerous review articles. He is the author of a monograph on supersonic beams of nanoparticles for the synthesis of nanostructured systems. He is currently the Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces at the University of Milan, Coordinator of the PhD Program in Nanotechnologies for Medicine promoted by the European School of Molecular Medicine and the University of Milan, Scientific Director of the Filarete Foundation. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the National Museum of Science and Technology "L. da Vinci" and the Innovation and Credit Observatory of the Milan Chamber of Commerce. He has served as a consultant for nanotechnologies for the Social and Economic Committee of the European Union.

He is the editor of the series "Carbon Materials Chemistry and Physics" for the publisher Springer, Regional Editor of the Journal of Nanoparticle Research, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Open Biomedical Engineering Journal, and Research Letters in Nanotechnology.

For the results obtained during his scientific activity, he received the "U. Campisano" award from the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (2000) and the "L. Tartufari" award from the National Academy of Lincei (2006).

He holds seven patents in the field of nanotechnologies. He is a founding partner of the company TETHIS srl, which is involved in the development and commercialization of industrial processes based on nanotechnologies for applications in the sensor and biomedical fields.

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