Pamela Ghiotto

Pamela Ghiotto

Responsabile strategico - Amazon Web Services

Participate in:

Women Empowerment Program 2023
Women Empowerment Program 2024

Of Italo-Venezuelan origins, I graduated in Computer Engineering from the Universidad Simón Bolívar in Caracas and attended one year of specialization at the Politecnico di Milano.

In 2006 I moved to Milan and began my professional career as a Consultant for Reply. After about 3 years, I decided to continue my educational path to obtain an MBA at MIP, the Business School of the Polytechnic University of Milan, a unique experience with colleagues from 23 different nationalities.

In 2012 I began my journey in Amazon, first in the Retail Marketplace and then in AWS, covering various roles and supporting clients of all sizes, from SMEs to startups to enterprises, and in different sectors.

Today I hold the role of Enterprise Account Manager FSI. Last but not least, I have a full-time "job" as a mother of two girls, Arianna and Isabel, and with them I continue to cultivate my passions, cooking and traveling.

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