Monica Parrella

Monica Parrella

Director General of the State and Luiss Business School

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Innovation and sustainability, an indissoluble bond

From 2013 to 2018, she was the Director General of the Office for interventions in the field of gender equality and equal opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Graduated with honors in Law, she obtained a PhD in Banking Law and Financial Markets. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Business School of LUISS in Rome and a representative for Italy on the Board of Directors of the European Institute for Gender Equality.

At the beginning of her career, she worked at the Bank of Italy and later served as General Director at the Office of the Minister for Public Administration and was Head of the Legislative Office of the Minister for the implementation of the Government program.

In 2017, she conceived the initiative "In summer, STEM is learned - Summer camps of science, mathematics, computer science, and coding". The initiative, still ongoing, aims to promote scientific and technological culture among girls attending primary and middle school and was funded by the Italian Government, reaching approximately 10,000 girls between 2017 and 2018.

Until 2018, she was the coordinator of the project "Agile Work for the future of the Public Administration", financed by European structural funds, a project aimed at promoting and developing smart working in national, regional, and local Public Administrations, with the participation of the largest Italian Public Administrations.

She is married and proudly the mother of an 8-year-old child.

Director General of the Human Resources Directorate of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance since January 2019.

Between 2013 and 2018 she served as Director General of the Office for Interventions in the field of Equality and Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Graduated summa cum laude in Law, she also obtained a PhD in Banking and Financial Markets law. Currently, she is also an Adjunct Professor at the LUISS Business School in Rome and the Italian member of the Management Board of EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality).

At the beginning of her career, she worked for the Bank of Italy and, later on, served as Director General in the Cabinet of the Minister for Civil Service and as Chief of the Legislative Office of the Minister for the Implementation of the Government Programme.

In 2017 she designed the Initiative “Learning the STEM Subjects over Summer - Summer camps on science, math, computer science and coding”, still on-going, aimed at promoting scientific culture among girl students of primary and secondary schools, a project funded by the Italian Government and joined by 10,000 girls between 2017 and 2018.

Until 2018 she was the Coordinator of the project "Smartworking for the future of Public administration" funded by the European Structural Funds, a project aimed at promoting and developing smart-working in the central, regional and local Italian Public Administrations, joined by the most important Italian public Administrations.

She is married and is a proud mother of an 8-year-old boy.

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