Michela Milano

Michela Milano

Full Professor University of Bologna and Director of the Interdepartmental Center for Human-Centered AI

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If artificial intelligence were a woman?

Michela Milano is a full professor at the University of Bologna and director of the Interdepartmental Center on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, which involves 28 departments and more than 400 researchers. Michela Milano has been vice president of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence and Executive councilor of the AAAI (American Association of Artificial Intelligence).

She is part of the core editorial team of the Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda of the PPP on AI, data and Robotics. She is part of the group of experts in Artificial Intelligence appointed by the Ministry for Economic Development for the definition of a national strategy and the working group for the definition of the PNR2021-2027. She has been appointed as an expert in the national delegation responsible for Cluster 4 of Horizon Europe at the European Commission. She has participated in numerous Italian and European research projects and is responsible for many research collaborations with companies.

She was the coordinator of the European project FP7 ePolicy, Engineering the Policy Making Life Cycle, 2011-2014 and partner of the European project FP7 COLOMBO, Cooperative Self-Organizing System for low Carbon Mobility at low Penetration Rates, 2012-2015, EU-FP7 DAREED: Decision Advisor for Energy Efficient Districts, 2013-2016, EU-H2020-FETProactive OPRECOMP: Open transprecision computing, 2017-2020, EU-H2020 AI4EU: a European AI-on-Demand platform and Ecosystem, 2019-2021, and of the Network of Excellence EU-H2020 TAILOR and HumaneAINet and coordinates the StairwAI Project, as a follow up of the AI-on-demand platform.

He has won numerous awards, including the Technovisionary award in 2021.

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