Maria Elena Viola

Maria Elena Viola

Editor-in-chief, ELLE


Maria Elena Viola, born in Perugia, has two daughters. After graduating in Modern Literature, she moved to Milan where she started working for specialized literature and poetry journals (Leggere, Il Segnale), and later moved on to women's magazines.

He obtains an internship at the magazine Viversani & Belli. From there he moves to the monthly Maxim. Then he participates in the launch of the new Mondadori women's magazine Tu, where he stays for 10 years, until the transformation of the publication into Tu Style, of which he becomes first deputy editor, then editor-in-chief.

In 2012, she takes over the direction of the historic women's magazine Gioia! which is relaunched in a brand new guise.

Since November 2018, she has been at the helm of Elle, a magazine with 45 editions worldwide with a strong fashion imprint, which under her direction transitions from monthly to weekly.

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