Marco Gui

Marco Gui

Associate Professor, University of Milan Bicocca

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The values ​​of Safer Internet Day: protect, empower, respect

Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milan Bicocca

Marco Gui is an associate professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research and specializes in Media Sociology.

In particular, he has focused on "digital inequality" and "digital skills", especially among young people. His book "Media Diet. Communication and quality of life", published by il Mulino, discusses the social relevance of some side effects of hyperconnectivity.

Marco Gui has published more than forty scientific articles in important Italian and international journals (including Social Science Computer Review, New Media & Society, Economics of Education Review, First Monday, Journal of Media Economics, Policy & Internet). He is a regular reviewer for numerous international journals in the field of social analysis of digital media.

He coordinated several research projects on the use of digital media among secondary school students, funded by the Ministry of Economic Development, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Lombardy Region, Valle D'Aosta Region, and IPRASE of Trentino. In collaboration with these institutions, he contributed to developing the first statistically rigorous tests of digital competence in Italy (see Gui and Argentin, 2011; Pagani et al., 2013).

He is the coordinator of the "Digital Well-being" Research Center (, which is active in various research projects related to quality of life in society in the digital age. One of these projects, winner of the University of Bicocca's "Innovation Project Grant", is co-financed by University Fastweb S.p.A. and involves research and training for secondary school teachers on developing awareness in the use of digital media.

It is a member of the ICA (International Communication Association), the ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), and the AIS (Italian Association of Sociology).

  • individual and social differences in the use of the Internet;
  • the quality of digital life;
  • the digitalization of school and education.
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