Magda Bianco

Magda Bianco

Head of Customer Protection and Anti-Money Laundering Service and Coordinator of the Equal Opportunities Commission, Bank of Italy


I have been working at the Bank of Italy since 1989. For many years, I have been part of the Studies Department, where I have dealt with, among other things, corporate governance, the economics of civil justice, market regulation, and the role of women in the economy.

Since 2014, I have been responsible for the Customer Protection and Anti-money laundering Service in Banking and Financial Supervision, which deals with compliance monitoring of intermediaries, financial education, and the activities of the Financial Banking Ombudsman.

I was the Economic Advisor to the Minister of Justice (in 2012-13).

I am a member of the International Committee FinCoNet (Financial Consumer Protection Organisation) and of the OECD's International Network for Financial Education. I am the coordinator of the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Bank of Italy. I am married and have two children.

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