Maddalena Paganin

Maddalena Paganin

Post-doc at the Pediatric Oncohematology Laboratory, University of Padua.


Graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Padua in 2004, she studied abroad at Imperial College in London for a year. Since 2005, she has been working in the Pediatric Oncohematology Laboratory at the University Hospital of Padua. Until 2009, she was responsible for the Molecular Analysis Group of Minimal Residual Disease through antigen receptors.

She completed her PhD in Developmental Medicine and Programming Science at the University of Padova and then worked as a Post-doc at Columbia University in New York. In 2011, she returned to the Pediatric Oncology Laboratory at the University Hospital of Padova to develop new research projects.

He has gained good experience in the field of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: through the molecular characterization of tumor cells in correlation with the response to therapeutic treatment, his studies aim to understand the mechanisms underlying disease progression to identify new possible therapeutic approaches.


National Scientific Qualification as 2nd level University Professor in the scientific disciplinary sector MED38, Section 06/G1, Italy, since 2018.

Principal Investigator of the Ministry of Health, "Call 2013, Young Researcher (under 40) / Giovani Ricercatori", Italy, from 2016-2020.

Professional technical collaborator, Padua Hospital Company, Italy from 2016-2019

Post-doctoral researcher, Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova/Pediatric Oncology, Italy 2015-2016

Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Pediatrics/Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, University of Padua, Padua, Italy 2011-2015

Post-doctoral researcher, in the laboratory of Prof. Adolfo Ferrando, Institute of Cancer Genetics, Columbia University, Irving Cancer Center, New York, NY, U.S.A. 2009-2010

Pre-doctoral fellow researcher, in the laboratory of Prof. Adolfo Ferrando, Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University, Irving Cancer Center, New York, N.Y, U.S.A. 2008

Ph.D. student in "Development Medicine and Programming Sciences", Hematology-Oncology and Immunology", University of Padua, Padua, Italy 2005-2009

Group leader for “Molecular Biology with Antigen Receptor” in the laboratory of Prof. Giuseppe Basso, University of Padua, Padua, Italy 2005-2008, 2011-2014

Pre-doctoral research in the laboratory of Prof. Giuseppe Basso, University of Padua, Padua, Italy 2004-2008

Pre-degree research in the laboratory of Ph.D. R. Betto, University of Padova, Italy 2003-2004

Pre-degree research experience in the laboratory of Prof. T. Soldati, Imperial College, London, U.K. 2002

Degree in Biological Science, University of Padua, Padua, Italy 2004


2019 Ministry of Education, University and Research PRIN: Projects of Relevant National Interest, Call for Proposals 2017

2017-2018 CARIPARO FOUNDATION Cariparo Project 2016


2016-2020 Ministry of Health, Grant "Call 2013, Young Researcher (under 40)/Giovani Ricercatori"

2015-2016 ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research. First Joint Translational Call for Proposal 2011

2015-2016 Padova Hospital, Fellowship

2013-2016 PADUA AND ROVIGO SAVINGS BANK FOUNDATION. Pediatric Research Call 2012-2014

2013-2014 CITY OF HOPE FOUNDATION-Diagnostic Project

2012-2014 University of Padua, Grant, "Young Scholars Call for Proposals, University Funding for Research, year 2012"

2010 "The Technovisionaries®" 2010 Bio and Nanotech, Women & Technologies, Special Mention

2009-2010 Istituto di Genetica del Cancro, Columbia University, Irving Cancer Center, New York, N.Y. Borsa di studio

2004-2011 University of Padua, Fellowship. 2002, "Ing. Aldo Gini Foundation", Award. 2001, "Erasmus" Scholarship


2019 “Open questions in acute lymphoblastic leukemia”

2016-2019 “A new strategy for the detection of residual leukemia cells”

2017-2019 "Sfruttare le caratteristiche uniche della riconfigurazione metabolica nei pazienti wild type e mutati Notch1/Pten per la terapia della T-ALL"

2017-2018 “Medicina di precisione per bambini con leucemia acuta recidivante”

2015-2016 “Validazione di biomarcatori per la medicina personalizzata contro il cancro”

2015-2016 “Validation of impact of genetic aberrations and host genetic variation in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia for integration into clinical practice”

2013-2016 "Improving cure rates for children with cancer - focus on patients that currently do not respond to therapy"

2013-2014 "The role of molecular medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric patients with acute leukemia"

2013-2014 "Genomic Profiling of acute leukaemia T-cell lineage switched in acute myeloid leukaemia"

2011-2012 “Nuove tecnologie applicate allo studio della oncologia-ematologia pediatrica dalla diagnosi alla terapia molecolare”


2011-2014 and 2005-2008, Member of the “Euro-MRD Group”
2010 GS Junior 454 and Software Package user course Roche

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