Luana Uda

Luana Uda

Bachelor's degree in Industrial Biotechnologies (L2), University of Cagliari Currently enrolled in Biotechnologies for bioresources and sustainable development (LM8), University...

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Donne&Tech® Young Ambassadors
  • Bachelor's degree in Industrial Biotechnologies (L2), University of Cagliari
  • Graduating student in Biotechnology for Bioresources and Sustainable Development (LM8), University of Verona

I am Luana Uda, I am 26 years old, and I am passionate about Science. This passion was born in the last years of high school, where I realized how fascinating nature and all the organisms that inhabit it were.

In my final year of high school, during an orientation day dedicated to the three-year degree courses at the University of Cagliari, I discovered biotechnology and immediately fell in love with it. That's why I enrolled in October 2015 in the three-year degree course in Industrial Biotechnology at the detached location of the UNO Consortium in Oristano of the University of Cagliari.

In April 2018, I had the opportunity to participate in the MeetJob organized by Consorzio Uno, where I had an interview with Dr. AnnaRosa Sprocati, a researcher at ENEA - National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.

Thanks to Consortium Uno, I won a scholarship to go to Rome to carry out my thesis internship at the Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory (SSPT-PROTER-BIOGEOC) of the Enea Casaccia Research Center (Rome) with the aim of developing and applying new natural products of microbial and plant origin for biorestoration, for the protection of hypogeal environments from biodeterioration. The chosen site for the experimentation was the Domus Aurea (Rome).

In July 2019, I graduated and became an industrial biotechnologist. For the choice of my master's degree, I followed my passion for microorganisms and their potential, which is why I am now enrolled in the second year of the master's degree course in Biotechnologies for Bioresources and Sustainable Development at the University of Verona.

I recently started a short internship at Professor Claudio Zaccone's Soil and Biomass Chemistry Laboratory, at the Department of Biotechnology at the University of Verona. In detail, during the internship, I am characterizing different soil carbon pools and other matrices such as peat, amendments, and waste biomass using various techniques in order to estimate their stability with a view to mitigating climate change.

In April, I will start the internship for my experimental master's thesis. I am looking for an innovative and stimulating job.

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