Liliana Coppola

Liliana Coppola

Head of the Personal Protection, Health Promotion, and Food Hygiene unit at the Lombardy Region Health Directorate


Liliana Coppola represents a significant example of nursing leadership. She brings with her a wealth of experience in health design and programming, health promotion, communication, and training.

Head of the Protection of the Person, Health Promotion and Food Hygiene unit, at the Health Directorate of Lombardy Region. She has been working in the field of preventive medicine services of the Lombardy regional health service since 1981. Since the mid-90s, she has been involved in research and training on communication, design, and evaluation within the context of health education/health promotion interventions.

From 1994 to 2008, he was the reference for the Documentation Center on Health Education and Health Promotion - CENDES (a technical-scientific structure of the ASL of Pavia, in agreement with the University of Pavia), a reference center for Lombardy of the Ministry of Health Program - CCM Gain Health in Adolescence.

From 2009, until the current position, he has collaborated, in various capacities, in the planning and evaluation of health promotion interventions (lifestyles and environments conducive to health with particular reference to nutrition, physical activity, and smoking cessation) in the Lombardy Region.

She is the author of numerous publications and a speaker at national and international conferences.

From 2003 to 2011 she was a part-time professor for the teaching of "Communication Techniques for Health" and since 2008 she is a subject expert in "Hygiene and Health Education" at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Pavia.

She is a member of the Regional Referral Group of the HBSC Study and the Scientific Committee of the Health Promoting Hospitals Network in Lombardy Region, and scientific director of the "Health Promoting Schools - Network SHE Lombardy" and "Health Promoting Companies - Network WHP Lombardy" Programs.


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