Laura Piazzi

Laura Piazzi

Journalist, radio presenter, and television author


Laura Piazzi was born on the Piedmontese shore of Lake Maggiore, but she moved to Milan for her studies in Political Science, her beloved city of adoption. A professional journalist, she has worked mainly for Corriere della Sera, Sette, and TV Sette, focusing on entertainment and culture. In 2000, she began her radio adventure with Fabio Volo on Radio Deejay and simultaneously started her career as a television author for MTV, La 7, Italia 1, and RaiTre. In the spring of 2019, she also wrote Photoshw (the week told through photos), hosted by Alberto Matano. In May 2019, she was the author of an evening dedicated to good journalism with the episode airing on Raiuno, "I Nostri Angeli, Premio Luchetta".

However, radio takes the first place and for almost 10 years, she has been hosting with Fabio Canino on the weekend mornings of Rai Radio2, Miracolo Italiano, a program that tells the story of Italy, both inside and outside the country. Culture, current events, science (with many women) and of course, miracles! A virtuous circle of curious "miracle workers" by profession.

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