Laura La Posta

Laura La Posta

Head of the weekly economic and social analysis magazine Rapporti24 by Il Sole 24 Ore

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Digital passion: dreams, experiences, results

Graduated in Political Science with honors, holds a diploma in French language and literature with the Certificat de langue et literature française and a Certificate of proficiency in English. She has attended two courses for Board of Directors members and a two-year program at the Institute for Journalism Training of the Lombardy Order of Journalists.

Responsible for the weekly in-depth economic and social magazine Rapporti24 of Il Sole 24 Ore, he is also a columnist on the topics of sustainable development, social economy, technological and social innovation, and Senior contributor of the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore.

He has participated in over 400 national and international conferences, as well as launching four new publications of Il Sole 24 Ore on the topics of technology and innovation, on a bi-weekly, weekly, or daily basis.

Winner of several awards - two Reiss Romoli, an Age (European Journalists Association), a Pillon and a Formenton, the Anima awards for social issues, Areté for responsible communication and a special mention from the Sodalitas award - she has been a member of the ethical and scientific committees of two foundations, is a judge for various social-oriented awards and is very active in volunteering for women and children.

Married, she is a mother of two girls with whom she shares a love for studying, social equity and the defense of the planet, for innovation, and she is secretly convinced that being a mother and wife without having caused too much damage (so far) is the greatest achievement of her life.

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