Lara Botta

Lara Botta

Business Development & Innovation Manager - Botta Packaging


Lara Botta is the Business Development & Innovation Manager at Botta Packaging, cardboard packaging, where she is responsible for business development also through the adoption of new technologies. Lara is therefore involved in all growth initiatives, both related to technological innovations and internationalization and new business lines in the company.

Lara began her career at Roche, between London and Switzerland, after obtaining a Master's degree in Gender Sociology from the University of Edinburgh. After nearly ten years abroad, she decided to take on the challenge of returning to Italy to try to take her place in the family business, despite having a successful career. Lara joined the company, transitioning from a multinational to an SME, eventually becoming VP and guiding it into the digital innovation era. She then began optimizing and implementing processes, driven by her belief that every aspect can always be improved., the advanced E-commerce portal, has been created by adopting cutting-edge and pioneering technologies in the packaging sector, with a focus on Open Innovation. Thanks to this innovation, BOTTA Packaging has become one of the 11 Italian companies selected in the Europe's 100 Digital Champions by the Financial Times, demonstrating that in order to innovate, a broader vision is needed to see and seize innovation.

Thanks to its vision, the company has specialized in innovative and eco-friendly packaging solutions for some years now, in line with its commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility, which has earned it the Italian Eco Pack recognition from the Polytechnic University of Turin and Sustainable Packaging Experts from COMIECO (National Consortium for Paper Recycling). Thanks to this recognized expertise, Botta Packaging has managed to expand its market overseas, reaching all continents.

Furthermore, he joined the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Assolombarda, holding various positions until becoming the National Vice President of Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria.

Lara is also personally committed to reducing gender stereotypes and promoting diversity, both within the company and through her role in the association where she carries out projects aimed at promoting STEM subjects among young girls.

"Our ultimate goal, the true target, is what we still have to achieve."
Sergio Marchionne, FCA Balocco 2018
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