Jim Campbell

Jim Campbell

Direttore Esecutivo dell'Alleanza Globale per la Forza Lavoro Sanitaria (GHWA) e Direttore del Dipartimento della Forza Lavoro Sanitaria presso l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS)


Jim Campbell is a prominent figure in global health, through his experience and the roles he has held within the WHO. His interventions related to healthcare organization and the valorization of healthcare workers offer interesting and important insights into health policy and aim to raise questions and reflections on the role and future of the nursing profession in Italy, compared to a broader and more complex international context.

Since July 2014, Jim Campbell has been the Executive Director of the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) and Director of the Health Workforce Department at the World Health Organization (HWF/WHO).

Expert in issues related to the management and organization of human resources in the healthcare sector, Campbell has been closely collaborating with WHO and GHWA for some time. The focus of his collaboration and work in international organizations includes the Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel (2010), the implementation of recommendations issued by WHO regarding access to healthcare workers and the activation of healthcare services in rural or peripheral areas (2010), and the enhancement of personnel in designing and promoting healthcare systems that provide healthcare services, a project launched during the third World Forum on Human Resources in Health, held in Recife, Brazil (2013).

On these topics, Jim Campbell spoke at the ICN conference held in June 2015 in Korea.


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