Jessica Alessi

Jessica Alessi

Founder of the business community


An early start with ten years spent on video for Mediaset as an assistant and co-host (including Mike Bongiorno, Gerry Scotti, Marco Columbro, Lorella Cuccarini and other important hosts), Jessica Alessi, specialized in corporate communication with a degree in Political Science with an International focus, of Belgian mother and Italian father, fluent in 4 languages, a husband and two teenage sons, after creating the first network dedicated to secretaries in Argentina in '97, founded in Italy in 2001, together with her sister Vania Alessi,, the first professional community that today represents over 9,500 executive assistants, in a network founded on the enhancement of the role, its evolution and innovation and above all on the sharing of experiences.

With a determined and decisive character, Jessica is very active and practical, facing the challenges of the working world by positioning herself as a "step ahead" to anticipate and solve problems, facilitating access to training, updates, and sharing virtuous models. For those who are inspired by #secretarypower, nothing is impossible!

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