Iuliana Golovatii

Iuliana Golovatii

HR Learning and Development Intern, SAP

Participate in:

ELLE Active! 2022 - Values and Jobs

I am a third year student at the University of Greenwich in the Human Resource Management branch with 5 years of professional experience in the services and consulting sector.

One of the primary motivations that led me to approach the world of Human Resources is the idea of being able to help people achieve, improve, grow, and achieve great goals alongside the company that is right for them.

Within my course of studies, I have participated in various activities: at the university association #GreStartUp, which focuses on outdoor training and organizes boot camps to develop students' transversal skills such as leadership, problem solving, teamwork, adaptability, and planning skills through engaging in various activities that serve as metaphors for work life. I also was part of the BSEO community as a Team Member and responsible for organizing seminars/workshops and managing university social media channels. Additionally, I took part in the Active Learning Lab - Urban Innovation innovative teaching laboratory as an Innovator, where methodologies for analyzing and critically interpreting business structures and dynamics were explored.

In 2017 and 2018, I participated in the "Migrants and Refugees Integration Support Project" with the aim of addressing the primary needs of the foreign community, such as knowledge, information, guidance, and support regarding citizenship rights, by conducting specific training sessions and organizing courses for the preparation and scheduling of training pathways.

From 2019 to November 11, 2021, I have embarked on a career in consultancy alongside my studies, focusing on partnerships and alliances at local, national, and European levels, collecting and systematizing materials on educational topics and administrative processes, advising students on study programs, and recruiting prospective students.

My belief is that all ideas that have enormous consequences are always simple ideas!

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