Ileana Bianco

Ilenia Bianco

Specialista delle vendite, ABB

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Ilenia Bianco currently holds the position of Sales Specialist at ABB SpA.

Her field of study and work is industrial robotics, programming, and 2D/3D modeling. She is also passionate about technological trends.

From a young age, she has always sought activities that could challenge her and broaden her horizons, which is why she chose to study biomedical engineering at the University of Padua. During her studies in kinematics and dynamics, she realized she wanted to work in the field of robotics and made every effort to achieve her goal. She studied mechatronic engineering, training in the University's Robotics Laboratory and participating in all robotics fairs, workshops, and courses sponsored by robotics associations. Ilenia then applied for an internship at ABB's Robotics division, and was accepted. For almost 10 years she has been involved in industrial robotics applications, ranging from handling to process applications, such as arc welding.

It started as sales support, then moved to technical support where he had the opportunity to lead a team that was the reference for simulation and programming software for ABB Italy.

Since the beginning of this year, he has been working in the sales area, focusing on customer and market needs.

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