Ilaria Ceccarelli

Ilaria Ceccarelli

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, specializing in Thoracic Surgery, University of Pisa

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I was born in Lucca, Tuscany, in 1991 and I spent most of my life in the city of the leaning tower, Pisa. I grew up in a stimulating family environment, with young parents and cultural influences coming from every educational front; my mother, a lawyer, introduced me to literature and my father, a surgeon, to science and practical skills. I grew up studying at a scientific high school, always cultivating a passion for literature but also with an artistic inclination that fully engaged me. I have always practiced theater and singing, from the first courses, to independent companies. As a young specialist, I abandoned these passions for logistical reasons without losing the lessons learned.

The choice of medicine came almost naturally, I have never thought or felt that I could do anything else. I graduated from the University of Pisa with a score of 110/110. The surgical path had some deviations during my early training period, probably because I have always been intrigued by various medical components and by the human condition in its generality. The resumption of Surgical practice was definitive with the postgraduate internship and with the choice of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Pisa. Currently, I am in my 3rd year of specialization and in addition to acquiring traditional surgical practices, I have the opportunity to approach the world of robotic surgery.

When I was young, I loved fixing clocks, touching and moving the small gears; today, thanks to the robotic simulators we have, I am learning to use the same tactile perception with the interposition of robotic arms and the synchronization that I feel I am acquiring more and more has made me fall in love with this technological world so much that I am trying to follow that path of training, which can give me the skills and autonomy, in the future, to be able to take care more and more of the so-called digital surgery.

I hope to soon be able to compare myself with other realities to improve my knowledge: the enthusiasm that is breathed in my surgical center is contagious and has found fertile ground in my desire to experiment. I am learning from a center where equal opportunities are not just a hope but a daily reality, and where the human factor is armed with new technological skills to offer the best possible healthcare treatment. This I hope will be my future.

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