Ida Cacciapaglia

Ida Cacciapaglia

Social Media Manager, Homepal

Participate in:

Tram of Innovation 2020

Since June 2017, Ida Cacciapaglia has held the role of Social Media Manager at Homepal, a proptech company with a high level of innovation.
Throughout her professional career, Ida has been involved in defining and developing digital strategies aimed at achieving clients' goals, with subsequent oversight and creation of content for the company's blog and social channels, implementation of advertising campaigns with objectives of Awareness / Consideration / Conversion, and measurement of results.

Before joining Homepal, Ida worked as a Digital Consultant at Hill+Knowlton Strategies and as an Account Executive at Weber Shandwick, international communication agencies, managing clients from various sectors (design, food, tech, health & beauty, fashion, and automotive). Before working at Weber Shandwick, Ida wrote content for the Nanopress Network.

Ida obtained a Master's Degree in Humanities with a specialization in Archaeology from the University of Bari. She later obtained a diploma in "Marketing, Communication and Digital Strategy" from the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore.

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