Giovanna Sangiorgi

Giovanna Sangiorgi

Senior Vice President of Sales at Oracle EMEA and JAPAC


Participate in:

Oracle Women’s Leadership

Experienced in leading organizations through transformation, I am currently leading a unit at Oracle EMEA responsible for Oracle's Cloud Licensing sales operations, growth, and profitability in the EMEA emerging countries, as well as in the low-end enterprises and mid-market across the more developed countries in the region.

Un leader appassionato dedicato ad aiutare giovani professionisti intelligenti e talentuosi a prepararsi per il lungo percorso della loro vita lavorativa.

Strong knowledge of the IT market and management competencies developed in complex and multicultural organizations.

Integrity, Mutual Respect, Curiosity, and Innovation are the key values that have supported my career development.

Focus, Passion and Determination enabled most of the successes achieved in my career.

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