Giovanna Ambrosoli

Giovanna Ambrosoli

President of the Dr. Ambrosoli Foundation


Graduated in 1987 in business administration at the L. Bocconi University in Milan, Giovanna Ambrosoli first worked at and then at G.B. Ambrosoli, the family company, where she is in charge of marketing and communication. For ten years she has been offering her expertise to the third sector.

From 2007 to 2009 she was responsible for communication and fund raising for the Venture Capital fund Oltre Venture. In 2009 she decided to dedicate herself entirely to the foundation that supports the work of her uncle, Father Giuseppe Ambrosoli, a Combonian surgeon who died in Uganda in 1987: the Dr. Ambrosoli Memorial Hospital and the St. Mary's Midwifery School, which survived the civil war that bloodied Uganda for over twenty years and are now a reference point in the country's healthcare and specialist training landscape.

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