Gabriele Fontana

Gabriele Fontana

Gabriele Fontana has a degree in agricultural sciences from the Catholic University of Piacenza.


Gabriele Fontana has a degree in agricultural sciences from the Catholic University of Piacenza.

Since his university days, he has been involved in modern technologies to defend crops from adversities. He later became one of the pioneers in the development of biotechnologies in agriculture, balancing between what was required by the strict European regulations for safety evaluation and field experimentation.

Unfortunately, the climate of suspicion and irrational aversion that has characterized our country in recent years has prevented innovation and rendered these efforts in vain. Despite this, Gabriele has continued to work on the most advanced technologies for genetic improvement of plants, in a happy dialogue with the scientific community.

Lately, he has ventured into the field of industrial biotechnologies and their potential application in the chemical industry. Since he enjoys being with young people, he teaches legislation and economics of biotechnologies at the University of Insubria in Varese.

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