Francesca Cosmi

Francesca Cosmi

Professor of Engineering, University of Trieste. Inventor of BESTEST and Co-Founder of M2TEST.

Participate in:

Women in Science for ESOF 2020

I graduated in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Biomechanics from the Polytechnic University of Milan, where I later obtained a PhD. I conducted research abroad at NASA JPL-CalTech (USA), the University of California at Berkeley (USA), MITI Tsukuba (Japan), and UFRJ (Brazil). I am currently an associate professor, with eligibility for full professorship, at the University of Trieste. I am the author of US and Italian patents and have authored over 150 scientific papers.

My studies have mainly focused on the behavior of complex structural materials, of biological or industrial origin, and have led me to be responsible for national and international research projects and collaborations. Currently, I am fully dedicated to a project aimed at improving the identification of people at risk of fracture due to bone fragility, from which BES TEST®, Bone Elastic Structure Test, was born, an innovative, simple, and safe test that measures the quality of the internal bone structure. Over a fifteen-year period, this project has won several awards and in 2016 reached a level of maturity that led me to found, with Dr. Alessandra Nicolosi and Innovation Factory at the Area Science Park, a start-up, M2TEST srl., to improve the lives of a significant portion of the population and offer doctors the opportunity to analyze the quality of their patients' bone architecture. Since January 2019, I have been a Senior Visiting Scientist at the CRO National Cancer Institute in Aviano (PN), with the aim of further exploring the opportunities offered by BES TEST in the identification and monitoring of secondary osteoporosis, for example due to hormonal blocking therapies.


  • Startup selected by G-Factor - Golinelli Foundation 2020
  • Winning from POR FESR FVG 2014-2020 Activity 1.4 B
  • Finalists at WER 2020
  • Italian finalists at StartUp World Cup 2019
  • Finalists at the Tech Tour Final Contest - Essen 2019
  • Winner MIA Miss In Action. 2019
  • Winner of the 2017 Rotary International District 2060 Science and Technology Award
  • Winner of the 2017 Life Sciences sector Start Cup FVG
  • Winner of the 2016 (first and second phase) acceleration path IFchallenge, a call for the creation and development of new highly innovative businesses.
  • 2006 first place, 6th selection of the Technical Scientific Committee of Techno Seed, business incubator of the Scientific and Technological Park of Udine
  • 2005 finalist Start Cup, University of Trieste

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