Fiamma Serra

Fiamma Serra

Graduated in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology, University of Trento

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Graduated in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology, University of Trento. I was born in Oristano and since I was a child I understood that I wanted to spend my time observing everything that moved or seemed to have a life of its own.

From here the passion first for biology and subsequently for chemistry. I attended the scientific high school Mariano IV D’Arborea and then I started my university career at the Consorzio UNO, a detached university campus of the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari. During the three-year degree in Industrial Biotechnologies, thanks to the Erasmus+ program, I did an internship in Germany, at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research.

I graduated in Industrial Biotechnology in 2018 with a thesis on the regulation of the immune system and then decided to continue with a master's degree in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology with a specific curriculum in Neurobiology at the University of Trento.

The master's degree in Trento has expanded the solid foundation acquired through the three-year degree in Biotechnology, and has allowed me to have a perspective (from outside the region) on the world of research on psychiatric disorders, and in particular on how biotechnologies are being applied to the search for new therapies and new approaches to studying disorders. Currently, I am writing my thesis, which focuses on a particular subtype of autism spectrum disorders.

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