Fabio Rinaldi

Fabio Rinaldi

Medical Director of the Dermatological and Trichological Clinic RS in Milan


Professor Fabio Rinaldi is a specialist in Dermatology and Venereology, with over thirty years of experience in the field of skin and hair diseases. He is currently the Health Director of the dermatological and trichological clinic RS in Milan. He has worked at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, and the Dermatology Operating Unit of the Multimedica Policlinic in Milan. Since 2002, he has been practicing his profession at the dermatological clinic founded by him. At the VI Paris University, he teaches a course on the biology of growth factors in dermatology. Over the years, he has served as Coordinator of the Trichology Section of the International Society of Plastic Dermatology, Professor at the Master's in Plastic Dermatology, First Dermatological Clinic, at the University of Milan. Constant research in the biological field has led to studies on the role of growth factors in skin cells and those derived from platelets, in order to standardize the possibility of treating severe dermatological conditions such as alopecia areata, skin ulcers, certain forms of body and scalp lichens, and forms of Morphea.

Professor Fabio Rinaldi has participated as a speaker, chairman, and organizer in numerous national and international congresses and clinical workshops. He is the author of numerous scientific publications. For 30 years, he has been studying the relationship of circadian rhythms of the brain/intestine/skin axis and the role of the microbiome in dermatological biology and pathology.

For 30 years he has been collaborating with many national and international pharmaceutical companies and is the inventor of 6 patented and marketed products used in the field of dermatology.

Since 1985, he has been working as a scientific journalist for some Italian and international publications.

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