
I am a professional journalist (since 2002), specialized in web journalism and its formats. Growing up between the web and print, I write every day for national newspapers, magazines, and industry blogs. Over time, I have expanded my collaborations to radio and television, where I have coordinated editorial work and managed special projects and TV formats.

The sectors in which I mainly operate are technology, science, environment, and health. I have always combined journalistic activity with communication: for companies, I have studied and still study tailored content to support and enrich their online presence. I am now approaching political communication, following an Italian Parliament deputy in the Ligurian territory to bring national issues to local realities.

Next to this are my passions and volunteer activities: I lead online journalism workshops in primary and secondary schools. I am in love with the territory where I live and I try to support its processes and promotion with an active role within the Proloco.

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