Emma Dalbuono

Emma Dalbuono

Management Engineering, second year, bachelor's degree, Polytechnic University of Milan

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I was born in the year 2000. I have an enterprising and determined personality: after graduating from a Linguistic High School, specializing in English, German, and Spanish, I enrolled at the Polytechnic University of Milan in the Management Engineering degree course, which I am currently in the first year of. It is certainly very challenging for me to have chosen a difficult faculty like Engineering coming from a Linguistic High School, but I was not deterred by the lack of the natural mathematical foundations required: my strong motivation and desire to establish myself professionally actively contribute to the achievement of my goals.

My life has been quite adventurous despite my age: at 14 years old, I left alone for an experience on a ranch in Illinois (USA), at 17 years old with 9 other kids we went to help the children of the orphanage in Mumbai (India), at 18 years old I left to attend my senior year of high school in a remote village in Indiana (USA).

Thanks to the numerous and challenging experiences abroad, I can integrate myself into new work and personal contexts without too much difficulty, thanks also to teamwork and listening and communication skills. I can rely on good organizational skills and time management. I love to organize in detail every activity I do, both professionally and personally. I do not like to be unprepared or, worse, caught off guard. Nevertheless, I have become accustomed to improvising and solving complex situations quickly and with a cool head. This problem-solving ability and natural inclination towards organization make me think that one day I could become an engineer of change and innovation within large organizations, and through my role, I could positively influence the sustainable behaviors of the company.

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