Emiliano Veronesi

Emiliano Veronesi

General Manager, Econocom Group Italy

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Out of the tunnel. What has changed in companies: work, relationships, reputation

Emiliano Veronesi, 47 years old, has gained extensive experience in General Management and Finance, with over 20 years spent in significant companies in various industries. He is skilled in leading companies towards innovation and change, thanks to a strong ability to inspire people and expertise in strategic design, planning, and corporate finance.

After graduating in Economics from the Catholic University, he began his professional career at Ernst & Young in the offices of Milan, Dublin, and London.

He continued his career at Saint Gobain before moving to General Motors in 2003.

In 2005, he joined GE Healthcare, where, until 2010, he held various managerial positions in the Finance Controlling area both in Italy and abroad.

He then moved to Metro Italia Cash & Carry, where, since 2012, he has held the position of Country Board Member, MD, and CFO.

Metro AG welcomed him in 2015 as Value Creation Director, charting a path of training and significant growth for the company.

In 2016, he takes on the role of Board Member and CFO of Thyssen Energy Italy and Petrovalves Group.

Emiliano Veronesi's adventure in the Econocom Italia Group began in September 2019, when he was appointed General Director of the Econocom Italia Group, where he is responsible for defining and implementing the company's strategy, which aims to position the group as a strategic and technological partner in providing solutions as a service and pay per use, and strengthening the internal culture oriented towards customer proximity and continuous innovation.

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